Thursday, June 06, 2024


 Some things to be thankful for today.

My back is better!  I am no longer walking listing to the side.. Hopefully a few more days and I will be back in business again.

The other day when we were coming back from the store, we spied a quail couple and their "chicks".  I pulled out my phone and tried to capture them from the car.

They are so fast and I really don't know how many babies there actually were probably about 10.

Mama was frantic.  Some of her babies got stuck in the gravel rocks in the neighbor's yard.  Mama didn't know how to free them and paced back and forth.  Finally the babies worked themselves free and Mama and papa were on their way.

So thankful for the survival of the cuties.  I know the photo isn't great but that's what you do when its just look and snap.

Those little brown smudges are the babies and papa shows in all his glory.  Mama has her back to us searching for the lost quail chick.

Another thing I am thankful for today is our older son's return yesterday from 2 weeks in Uganda.  He was the photographer and photography teacher for the team

This team of 4 besides Steve were there to do a teaching conference for Christian pastors and church leaders.

The conferences were successful, friends were made, everyone stayed healthy and Steve ended up getting some wonderful photos.  I am so looking forward to seeing and hearing all about his time there.

Sorry the photo is blurry.  The transition from my phone to Picasa wasn't successful.

Our son is the bald one on the right.  The others are all pastors at our church.

Final thankfulness for today's post.

We sold 2 more items on eBay and have a bit more moola in our account..

Yay for us.

Always Be Thankful

Always Be Kind


Sandi said...

Oh my! Glad the baby birds got out.

How did he choose Uganda?

Judy Biggerstaff said...

Nice post and pics! I would have loved to see the quail and the momma and poppa fretting on the little ones. Glad they worked their way loose and could continue on their journey. Good that your son arrived safely.

Sparky said...

There is a lot to be thankful for and those are all good news. 💙

Chatty Crone said...

I am glad the quails were okay and that your son Steve got home safe.

Mevely317 said...

So grateful that Steve and his team made it home safely! It seems international travel -- no matter the destination -- is fraught with uncertainty.
Yay for the baby quail's successes! I'm afraid I'd have been tempted to 'help' and in so doing, might have caused them to panic and injure themselves.
I need to get busy and post more unnecessary things on eBay.

My Shasta Home said...

I love our state bird the quail.
That’s good your son came home safely. A sore back can be miserable. Glad you’re feeling better today.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I was able to figure out which one is your son before I read it. The Quail are so well camouflaged!! You have really sharp eyes to even have spotted them!

Rose said...

I would have been so excited to see the quail and chicks! I am so glad Steve is back home safe and that he was successful in his endeavours.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am thankful for you thankful list and for the quail making it to safety.. I think we all got more excited about the baby quail than the trip to the other side of the world... gotta love bloggers...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Way to go on selling more items. So nice to see your son and that he is home right now. Also I'm glad the sweet chicks are all okay.

Marie Smith said...

Glad everything turned out well for your son after all. Great encounter with the birds!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Any picture of a quail family is a good one! I'm glad they survived. Kudos to your son for his good work! and glad he is home safely. We should sell some of the stuff we still have stored in our daughter and sil's barn in Oregon. They could probably use the space.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Love this post full of happy news--the baby quails all managed to get out, your back is feeling better, and your son is home safe.
Sounds like he has inherited his mamma's photo talents. Hope you post some of his Uganda photos.

Michelle said...

So glad your back is feeling better. Not much worse than getting "down in your back". I also love seeing the quail family. Also glad to see your son made it back to the U.S. safely. Thank you for linking up and I hope you are having a great week.