Thursday, May 16, 2024


 The only good Cockroach is a Dead Cockroach!!!

Our town and the next one over are being invaded by these creepy bugs.

Last year was the first time in years that we had them coming into our homes.

Well this is the season and they are coming out in force.

We have sprayed and I killed 3 last night  running around on our floor.

Man, they are fast!

Our neighborhood page on FB is telling the tales of woe all over our town.

UGH !!

Our house is clean so I don't know what they are looking for...

I just keep looking around all the time I'm sitting here at the computer.

When they are "belly up" that makes me happy.

So for Thankful Thursday I will say " a Dead Roach is a Good Roach"


Chatty Crone said...

Haha - I hate roaches too. Some live in the trees and they want water or cooler temps. We have big palmetto roaches here! lol

Rian said...

Yes, we were told that big flying ones come in from outside when the weather is cold.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Yikes! I bet they will still be around when the world ends! Our infestation is earwigs, and they bit and pinch.

My Shasta Home said...

Just last year I found a dead cockroach in my bathroom. Freaked me out as I’ve not ever had any. I immediately called an exterminator. He came out and checked our property. Didn’t find any signs but sprayed anyway. We figured the one in the house was accidentally brought inside the house when my husband brought in some wood. The dead cockroach looked like it had met our cat, Susie! We haven’t had any sine but he did say if you were to walk the streets at night, they’re all over! Creepy!

Sparky said...

UGH is right! In grew up in Central Coastal Florida. We grow 'em big down there! Nasty thangs. Spray everywhere and get out of the house for a couple of hours. Seeing one still gives me the shivers. Good luck! 💙

Wanda said...

I share your dislike of roaches! Years ago when we lived in Bell Gardens we were invested with them. Unfortunately, because of the neighborhood, many low income apartments around us, they would come back as soon as we "debuged our place". I remember one day, throwing up my hands and yelling "You WIN, I can't fight you anymore!" I guess God her my desperate cry as soon after we were called to the Church in Hughson. I didn't bring any appliances as I was so afraid they were hiding in them.

Mevely317 said...

Oh ewwww! We've a quarterly pest control service, but every now and then I'll spot one belly-up. I think all this rainfall has something to do with it ... at least they don't bite. (I think.)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Oh my, that is not fun at all. So sorry to hear this.

Rose said...

I hate them too...they are one bug I absolutely detest.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we call them palmetto bugs and they FLY and look the size of humming birds. we had one fly through the living room last week. spray the peppermint spray on your doorway, it does help. they hate the peppermint. the best thing to do is put roach baits out, we keep them out year round, that way you don't have to kill them, you just find the belly up and get rid of them