Thursday, May 23, 2024


 Yesterday while doing some stretching exercises I really pulled my hip muscle.

As the day moved on I found that I couldn't stand up straight or walk too well.

Bending over pulling weeds didn't hurt me at all.  It was the straightening up and moving that hurt.

So I went back inside and just vegged in my recliner, fixed an oven dinner and just became a blob.

Dave made this sign and plopped it down at our dinner table.  He said , "these are your direct Orders!"

Isn't He something else???

I love his creative ways about him.

Today I am much better, it still hurts but I can straighten up and walk without listing..I am using my cane and "Behaving" as Ordered!

Thankful Thursday...

Thankful I am better and thankful for such a great and caring husband.


Ginny Hartzler said...

This is REALLY something to be thankful for! I am so glad you are recovering without any doctor or meds! But try to take it easy. I have pulled many muscles. And once one has been pulled and stretched, it tends to be more liable to do it again. Baby it!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Love the sign. Your hubby sounds like a real keeper.
Glad you are feeling better today.

Marie Smith said...

He is a treasure alright!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So sorry to hear that you are hurting. ((Hugs))
Yes, that was very sweet of him.

Chatty Crone said...

I would be hurting too - stop pulling weeds - at least for awhile! lol What a sweeetie.

Barbara Rogers said...

Ah ha! I'm on day two of pulled shoulder/back muscles...let's make a club of stopping all regular activities to heal! Well, I'm planning to do some cardio work with minimal use of the shoulders. We'll see how that goes. Glad you've got a sign to help you know that you are cared about and given recognition of your limits.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I did a place on my back doing exercises a few years ago, i know the pain. and it did get better from rest. love that sign and you better mind him, or else!! ha ha.. glad it is some beter.. my doctor said when i did mine that more senior patients harm them selves excercising by stretching to much to far and to hard. our old muscle do not stretch well. that is what she said

Sparky said...

Ouch! As a former dancer I agree with your husband's orders: for a pulled muscle rest is good. Also, put ice on the injury for as long as you can stand it. Keeps the swelling down. Oh, and I would take an anti-inflammatory NSAID (like Aleve or whatever is good for you). Old injuries: heat to promote healing. New injuries: ice to reduce swelling. Gosh, been there done that. Prayers that you heal soon Sister In Christ! 💙

Martha said...

Dave is a good guy.
I hope you are feeling better soon
Many hugs and prayers.

Mevely317 said...

What a gem you have in Dave. Tough love, lol. Please take all the time you need to heal completely!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sue, I would heed Dave's advice, and hope that with some rest you will be feeling better.

Rose said...

I hope you recover all the way with no more problems.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Ouch! Sometimes it takes a written “prescription” to get us to take it easy. I think your husband is a gem to recognize that.
Last summer, we spent most of the time sectioning problem weedy areas of our yard to lay weed cloth and then haul in rocks. This spring we had very little weeds. We still have a little more to do and we’re doing it as we can. At least we tackled the Worst of it.
Weeding is hard for me. I can’t kneel due to knee replacement - it’s hard to pull due to a rotator cuff tear that is not yet repaired. I hate that my husband has to do most of it. We hired a gardener and all they did was take a weed eater and cut everything including my poppies! Heck we could have done that!
Ice is my go to pain reliever! I have an ice machine I used after a surgery and we use it a lot!
Given some adequate rest, and some ice you should be good as new.

Wanda said...

Oh Sue ~ I hurt for you!! Dave is a sweetheart, and I hope you will follow his instructions and just take it easy. Those weeds aren't going anywhere!!
Life here is just to busy to blog much. Repair surgery went well, but that mean another 4 weeks of eye drops every four hours, 3 drops!! Trying to care care of everything else in between the 4 hours!! HaHa. A break tomorrow as we have a baby shower for the new great granson due in July!
You take care and just enjoy your recliner!!!

Donna said...

Oh I'm so sorry! But your sweet guy really helped to ease the pain with that super sweet sign!

Michelle said...

I hurt my back this week pulling weeds! lol Not too bad, but stooping over is not great!!!! I hope you heal up well. We have to be gentle with ourselves as we grow older, I am learning! Thank you for linking up and have the BEST week!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I *love* the humorous way your sweet husband takes care of you! And I hope he doesn't give you any further notice" for a long time -- rest and keep healing. I'm glad we no longer have to worry about weeds to pull. My knees wouldn't co-operate a bit, I'd have to yell for help if I knelt down to dig a dandelion and bending wouldn't be any picnic either. Ha! I do miss having flowers though -- so I just steal other people's (only by taking pictures of course).