Saturday, January 06, 2024


Just a bit of levity this morning...

 While we were visiting Las Vegas last week we went to scope out the newest hotel on the Strip.

It is called the Fontainebleau Hotel and Casino.  The place was very sleek and quite minimalistic.

In passing the restrooms I had to stop and take a photo of the woman's sign.

Do you see what caught my eye?

I guess when you "gotta go" you gotta go..


Wanda said...

HAHAHAHAHA Oh Sue since my newest health issue (prolaspe bladder) I totally relate!! At this point it's a nuisence, but manageable. I have an appointment with the doctor in February to discuss the situation and see if we can do something short of surgery! These old bodies have leaky faucets...

Gotta keep a sense of humor...thanks dear friend!!

MadSnapper said...

hilarious! i have stood with crossed legs many times. i saw on someones blog a hotel that had a framed pair of boxer shorts and a framed lace bikini thong framed. no guess about that one either and i have no idea where but some time in the past 2 days on a blog

Marie Smith said...

I’ve never seen a washroom sign like that. Good one!

Shammickite said...

I wish you had snapped the men's sign too.

Chatty Crone said...

Now that was funny!
I think there is also a Fontainebleau in Miami or at least there was when I was little I think we went there.
Happy New Year.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I do see the crossed legs! How nice that you were in Vegas.

Donna said...

Lololol....great sign!