Wednesday, January 24, 2024


 Saturday was our final full day of celebrating our 60th wedding anniversary with our kids.

What a day!  Totally jam packed with lots of fun memory makers.  Everything we did had a special significance for Dave and I.

Its a 2 hour ride into "The City " ... San Francisco, CA.  It pretty much rained the entire way in, but we were dressed for it so it wasn't really a problem.

First stop was the Restoration Hardware Designer Center.  I have shown these photos of this amazing place before.

After that we went to our favorite haunt.  Freddie's Sandwich Shop.  Its been in business since 1923.  They make the best  Old style Italian sandwiches around.  Dave has been going there since he was about 10 years old.
We went and ate our lunch at the San Francisco Presidio.  It drizzled and the seats were damp but it didn't dampen our spirits.

Phooey, when transferring these photos they all turned out blurry..
You can see the Golden Gate Bridge in the background.

Older son Steve and his lovely wife Sigrid.

Younger son Mark and his lovely wife Kellie.

The brothers doing their "traditional" pose

Funny granddaughter Amanda and her husband Billy making faces too.

View of the Golden Gate Bridge in the rain.

We went by the George Lucus studios located on the Presidio grounds and stopped to photo Yoda from Star Wars fame.

We walked our legs off sightseeing but it was worth it.

Mark, Kellie and Maddie.
We are forever grateful that they took time off from work and school to fly from Oregon to celebrate.

I think this photo is one of my favorites.
Mark and Kellie were married 6 years ago and we got a new granddaughter in the process.
Maddie loves her "new" Grandpa.

Maddie was happy to walk with her "Grandpa".

The Golden Gate National Cemetery
Dave's Dad retired as a Major in the Army.  Dad and Mom are both buried there.

The brothers visited their Grandpa and Grandma's graves located at the Presidio Cemetery.

That evening we had reservations for a night time tour of Fort Point under the Golden Gate Bridge.
This is a very different tour to do it by candle light lanterns,
The fort was built between 1853 and 1861 by the U.S. Army Engineers as part of a defense system of forts planned for the protection of San Francisco Bay.  It is now  National Historic Site (U.S. National Park System)  You can Google all about the Fort and see historic Fort Point Images.  Dave's Dad was instrumental in getting the Fort to become a part of the National Park system.

Sorry these are all so blurry..they didn't transfer as sharp as they originally were..

Inside the fort looking up at the bridge.

The only lights were the candle lanterns as you can see to the right of the photo below.

The gang on the very top of the Fort

Love this last one of my silly granddaughter and daughter in law..

What a fun filled adventure we had.

What a family we have!!

God is Good !

We are blessed !!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Great photos! I especially love the brothers silly pose, and the beautiful bridge at night. The pics are definitely not too blurry to enjoy!

MadSnapper said...

I love those lantern shots, that would be so much fun. i am thinking the drizzly rain and the low light had something to do with the blur. the thing is, this documents all the fantastic things you did with your family to celebrate 60 years of life together. again I say Happy 60th Anniversary. your family is so beautiful

Marie Smith said...

Such a great day! Wonderful photos! Anniversary blessings to you both!

Mevely317 said...

Hey there Sue! I'm so glad you stopped by my place and introduced yourself!

Wow, 60 years is so great. (I wish I'd liked either of my first husbands that much. LOL)
You sure live in a beautiful part of the country. I'll never forget visiting San Fran with my parents in the 60's. Unfortunately, my only takeaway was a spot called Hippo Burger -- thought I'd died and gone to Heaven!

Chatty Crone said...

Looks like a rainy day but a day filled with fun! I like the brother's pose. And how they flew to you and took time off!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It does look cold but what a wonderful day you had. The pictures are lovely and the food sounds yummy too. You definitely had a wonderful anniversary!!

LC said...

Love the fact that you have family determined to enjoy being together ieven not so perfect weather!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Despite the weather, you and your family managed to have a great time from the photos you posted, Sue. I would have enjoyed that lantern tour as well.

Shammickite said...

Definitely fun times!!!! You seem to have had a wonderful time together. Lucky you!