Wednesday, December 06, 2023


 Last night Dave and I had our small group bible study friends over for the traditional Christmas dinner.

Unfortunately we were missing 3 of our group but we ended up with 8 around the table.

I took a candid photo of us around the table but it was so awful it will never see the light of day.  Every one of us had weird looks on our faces and we looked like we had just received the worse news ever...  Frankly I think we were all starved and just plowing into dinner.

It was so much fun to share our lives, have a laugh or two...or three, eat delicious food and just be the family we have been for the last 13 years.

I thought I would also post my newest acquisition.  Someone here on the blog talked about seeing gnomes at the Dollar Store.  We were there the other day and saw these foot tall gnomes.  They are really well made for $1.25 each.  They somehow jumped into my cart and found a new home.  I paired them with the smaller gnome I made a few years ago.  Now I am done with decorating..funny how having company pushes one to get on the ball and get things done!

Happy Wednesday..


Love my Gnomes

Wishing everyone a Wonderful Wednesday!


Marie Smith said...

The gnomes are cuties! It sounds like your group had a lovely meal and time.

Chatty Crone said...

Nice visit with friends and I think the gnomes are super cute.

sandy said...

well thanks to you now i have to go to the dollar store. Which is a long drive whether i go up the mountain or down the hill. One in each direction.

I love their Peppermint Bark candy at this time of year.

Nice dinner you had with your friends.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it was me, i posted all those 1.25 gnomes, from Dollar Tree. they are really cute and can't believe the price.. your door is gorgeous

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So glad your Bible study dinner went well. I love the Gnomes. Take care.

Babajeza said...

What a lovely bunch! :-) Have a nice weekend. Regula

Michelle said...

I love those gnomes! I never find a deal like that. I had to laugh at your talk about trying to take the group photo. I have been there before! lol Thank you for linking up.

Wanda said...

Sue, I love the entrance to your home. That photo is so inviting as I've seen it in person. How I wish I was on your doorstep right now.............. I can see the coffee pot on the table, the cream and sugar already set out, and some plate of goodies.

Sending much love and hugs.

Donna said...

Friends are always a Good thing!
I can't imagine you Ever taking a bad picture!
Happy weekend!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

A gathering at the holidays with friends is always wonderful, Sue, and so are those gnome finds at The Dollar Tree. The one here only had elves and I bought two to add to the display outside our apt. If the gnomes were available, they would have been added as well!