Thursday, November 09, 2023


 Today is Thankful Thursday.  There is so much to be thankful for ...

Today is no exception.

Yesterday my husband Dave said that he was going to call the advice nurse at Kaiser.

He hasn't been feeling well for the last week or so.

I knew he must be feeling poorly if he was going to do the calling all on his own (without any "pushing" from me)

Dave had been feeling light headed and short of breath on occasion.

After discussing it with the nurse it was strongly suggested that we go to ER and have things checked out ASAP.

So we spent the next 6 hours at the extremely busy going through renovations ER.

They tested Dave every which way.  Great ER doctor said he does have some issues, which we already knew, but nothing to worry about at the current time.

Drink more water, eat better, more exercise and less stress.

I am so happy that his records are up to date now and a lot of the problems are just age related.  Getting OLD is hard work.

We were starved by the time we got out of there, found an open restaurant and gobbled down "dinner" at 9:30PM.

We both slept like babies last night.  PTL !!

Today is a new day and we are Thankful.

I meant to post this photo instead of the one above.
Don't know how to eliminate it so you've got two for the price of one.


Marie Smith said...

I am glad Dave is well. Better to be checked than ignore possible symptoms.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Nothing will make you sleep better than a long day at the E.R. But so worth it! How wonderful to know that he is alright!! Keep him hydrated, it is one of the most important things a senior can do!!

diane b said...

Glad that Dave got checked out at ER and to hear that the news is not too serious. My Bill gets lightheaded and dizzy now and then. It is related to his heart issues. Yes growing old is not for sissies. It is a lovely photo and a scene to be thankful for.

Chatty Crone said...

The photos are gorgeous - but I know the feeling of being at Kaiser and worrying about heart issues for the hubs. Mine did have some - so I am thankful Dave is okay!

Shammickite said...

Good to know that he is OK, a visit to the emergency department can be very scary.

Donna said...

Glad it was nothing serious!!
Oh...Just click on and highlight the unwanted photo then hit the delete button on your keyboard.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I am glad to hear that he is doing okay. Yes, aging is hard. Eating right and exercise are very important along with not stressing.

Michelle said...

Glad to read that he is okay. Health issues are always scary. Thank you for taking the time to link up.