Sunday, October 15, 2023


 Yesterday our son, daughter in law and both granddaughters went to an "Unbirthday" Party for DIL's Aunts' birthday (which is really next month).

Gunhild is in her 90's and her health isn't good.  You would never know it by the way she enjoyed herself yesterday.

Gunhild's daughter really felt like this could be the last time her health would allow her to be with family and that her days are numbered.

The beautiful woman has been a friend of mine for at least 35 years.  She knows she knows me but just can't put me in the right memory slot.  Its okay with me.  I hope when my son's photos are edited you will see several pics. of us having such a fun conversation together.

Just about all of the close relatives managed to come to the party, several from Washington state, Las Vegas and from more than a 2 to 3 hours drive to be there.

The first photo is of her and 2 of her nephews and great nephew. 

After the party we had to make our 2 hour drive home again to the Sacramento Valley.

We had to go through the edge of San Francisco to get onto the Bay Bridge.

Traffic was a complete "Parking Lot".  Bumper to bumper in both directions...

Why I really haven't a clue.  Sometimes previous accidents tie up things for hours.

It took us almost an hour just to get onto the bridge and across.  There were other accidents (not that we could ever see) but the evidence was "going no place fast".

It took us almost 4 hours to get back home... sigh, so glad Dave and I were passengers and not driving.

This photo shows the jam getting on the bridge with the San Francisco high-rises ahead of us.  Taken from my passenger front seat.

Enlarge the photo so you can see the detail.

Thanks for looking.


Michelle said...

Glad you were able to celebrate with her, but wow at that traffic.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh, wat a mess!! Gunhild is blessed to have so many who love her.

Anonymous said...

Happy that you got to go to her in birthday party And that you made it safely home with all that traffic. I was wondering why in the world y’all were out there driving it then I read that you were a passenger which is much better. You are a better person than I am because I would not drive in that traffic to go to her birthday party. I’m so glad she had all of her friends and relatives with her she looks great

Chatty Crone said...

How sweet of you to make all that effort to go to her unbirthday, you will never be sorry - but I am sorry for that traffic!

My grandson is getting married in about ten weeks and we had a shower Saturday night and some people drover far and encountered traffic too - but we were grateful as well!

Shammickite said...

Too many cars on the road and I bet many of those cars only had one person in them. I really really really hate traffic jams.
Lovely lady having an un-birthday, so glad she enjoyed herself, and lots of friends and rellies were able to enjoy it with her.

sandy said...

oh ugh...traffic jams like that. I'm so glad i live in the mountains. We only get them on the rim hwy during holidays so we stay home. What a sweet birthday for her with everyone there.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Wow, that's a huge traffic jam. Glad you made it safely home.
Gunhild looks great and seems to be enjoying herself.

diane b said...

She is an amazing woman and lucky you didn't have to drive yourselves.

Wanda said...

Oh my!! The good the bad and the ugly.

The first picture is lovely. The last, not so much haha!