Saturday, October 21, 2023


 After doing nothing very exciting for so long, we had a wonderful "party" at our home the other night.

Our Bible Study group got together for a Chat and Chew.

These times are always fun.  We sure know how to talk and eat good food.

As usual, I was too busy to take a group photo..shame on me!

But I did get a shot of our wonderful, special dessert.

Melody's niece is in the baking and candy creation business.  We each got a candy apple with the best homemade caramel over a crisp, tart apple.

What a way to say Fall is here!

Weren't they presented beautifully?

Believe it or not I saw the sunrise yesterday..haha..

I had to be out of the house bright and early, which isn't my chosen way to do things...

The Lord blessed me with a beautiful sky, which by the time I got outside was on its way to being finished.

I love the way the puffs of cloud look like they are hanging from the tree branch.

Today we are going to have a mini yard sale and hopefully sell some of our Hallmark and Disney ornaments plus some other "debris" as Linda Chapman calls it..

Wish us luck..


Marie Smith said...

Good luck with the yard sale. The apple looks yummy and is so beautifully presented.

Sandi said...

The apple looks so good!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The apple is almost too pretty to eat. Beautiful sky as well! I hope you do very well with the sale, it is a lot of work.

MadSnapper said...

i love that sky and the tree with the clouds hanging like ornaments. yay for early am and i do hope you sell lots and lots of your things. it has been years and years since we had a chat/eat with people from the churches we went to over the years.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Love "chat and chew" to describe your event.
The apple does look beautifully presented.

Donna said...

The candy apple is SO cute! Well done!
Your sky is beautiful...God's gift!

Chatty Crone said...

I think the apple is beautiful! And the sunrise even prettier. Nothing can compete with God's art work. So how did your garage sale work out?

Michelle said...

I hope your yard sale is successful. The apple is beautifully presented and so nice to hear you had a wonderful get together. Thank you for linking up and have a great week ahead.