Thursday, August 31, 2023


 This last week we officially became "Empty Nesters"

This guy flew "the coop".  Well perhaps it wasn't a Guy..😄

Sorry the photo isn't in focus.  She was ready to take off and I just snapped it.

The nest is off the ladder.

Mama dove is a rather messy housekeeper.

I was fascinated to look straight down into the nest.

It is flat with no indention for eggs or a bird body.

We never have seen any egg shells around.

We are wondering after so many generations living on the top of the ladder if they will come back again and start over.

I think I may have to do some research on Mourning Doves.

Happy Thursday


Ginny Hartzler said...

Goodness, what a messy nest! Do you think the babies survived and fledged?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is odd there is no scooped out place for the birds. a work of art, now you can move the ladder

Michelle said...

I always love having birds around, of all kinds, but they are messy! I always think their nests are so interesting. Thanks for linking up and have a great weekend.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sorry to see her go but now you can use your ladder.

Marie Smith said...

Love those gentle creatures. They aren’t aggressive like some of the birds we see.