Friday, August 25, 2023


 A word to myself....

Between feeling lousy for so long (now so much better)

and trying to keep up with our eBay business,

I haven't taken any "fun" photos for a long time.

Here's some of the items we have been putting up for auction.

and a "gazillion" other items...

Lots of time spent getting all the research, photos and descriptions.

Frankly I can't wait to get out there in the world and just shoot for myself.

Happy weekend


Ginny Hartzler said...

I hope it is soon!

Linda said...

I did a lot of eBay during my 'divorced' year or two. I sold anything I could! It's a good way to purge and help the budget at the same time!

My sister Deanie used to sell a lot on there too. They bought storage units and found so much they could make good money on.

I love that quote!!!!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Those vintage items looked wonderful, Sue, even though I have no need or interest in them and hope that some ebay folks do! I was wondering if you are just posting things fro sale from your own home or if you bought at estate sales to resell. I have done some ebay sales of personal things I bought and no longer was interested in keeping. I have also bought little things and then sold on ebay, never made a lot of $ and hope you are doing better for all your efforts.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

good luck with your sales, hope everything you post sells quickly. I do know selling things at yard sales, on line or even when i used to do a few from work is a LOT OF WORK and work that I don't like. that said, we do what we need to do.. glad you are feeling better

Marie Smith said...

Treat yourself, Sue. You deserve it!

Donna said...

Oh! I didn't know you had an EBay shop!! What's it called?
Love the items!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Very nice photos. Good luck. Glad you are feeling better.