Thursday, May 04, 2023


 Here we are in the Fickle month of May.

Its raining and blah gray today.

No pulling weeds or spiffing up our jungle in the backyard.

Today made me think of this poster I saw in a restaurant.

The Golden Poppies are blooming their pretty little heads off.

The rain from the last few months has created a bumper crop everywhere.

I am so thankful for the simple beauty of flowers.

Enjoy and BE THANKFUL ...


Ginny Hartzler said...

The sun is streaming out of your Poppy! It is stunning. We do not have these wild ones, and I have never seen a real one. We only have the big reed cultivated ones.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

In the middle of a huge cleaning job I stopped to link up to TT -- your sign made me laugh out loud!! Maybe I'll just copy the picture and hang it up instead of going back to "work". ;))).

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you know how much I love sunbeams on anything from dogs to flowers to chairs . gorgeous poppy. I need that sign on my living room wall the bedroom i need two signs and the back yard needs many signs

Wanda said...

Oh Sue, I love the sign. HaHa Perfect. Where do you find these things? Don had a appointment this morning, but when I saw how hard it was raining, I didn't want to be driving on the freeway! So we cancelled. It was just with the poditrist, for a toenail clipping, so I didn't want to risk a accident for toenails. HaHa..We will reshedule.

I can't believe this weather. Yestday gorgeous sunshine all day....and rain today. So glad I picked up some Clam Chowder and Brocolli Cheese soup at Trader Joes yesterday. Perfect day for soup. Trader Joe has fresh made in their deli section! Yummm.

PS The Calif Poppies are so pretty, no wonder we are called the Golden State.

Anonymous said...

I have a mess here,too! I can’t seem to get my entire house presentable at the same time! Not clean - mind you! Just presentable! I work in one room and another one bites the dust!
Linda C

Marie Smith said...

The bloom is gorgeous! Love that colour!

sandy said...

I love poppies and enjoyed reading your post. May is very fickled. We had some snow today, not much, just enough to remind us that it isn't May until Mothers Day shows up and here in the mountains the story is no more snow after Mothers Day and then its' safe to plant a garden.

Donna said...

I've never seen a golden poppy! How beautiful!

Martha said...

Fickle is right! (Just like March and April...)
It's supposed to be a beautiful weekend but I was cold all week previous. I'm so ready for summer.

Rose said...

I love that poppy is just beautiful.