Thursday, February 09, 2023


Before Mark had to fly back to his home in Oregon we were able to take a photo.

Steve brought over his camera and equipment so we could have a really nice Memory Photo.

It seems Dave and I are shrinking and the sons are still growing..not really but we definitely are shorter than a few years ago..

Old Age sure does a number on the body.

The main reason Mark came down was so we, as a family, could update our will and trust.  The will and trust had been done in 1999.  Several things had changed and we never got around to even reading the documents after it was put away for safe keeping.

We decided that they needed to know what our wishes are and how things were legally

documented.  We would rather do this when we are all functioning and they know from our lips how we feel and our desires.

We have such awesome "kids" and the peace of mind we have is wonderful.

There isn't any infighting or greed.  Its just the realization that at 79 and 80 years of age, we are getting up there.

We don't want to make things difficult or costly for the families.  I'm sure glad they know what they are doing and are so intelligent, patient and kind.

We love them, their spouses and the grands too.

In this photo Mark is on the left and will be 50 this year.  Steve , on the right, will be 55 this year.

This is almost shocking to me to actually put in print ALL of our ages....

How did this happen???


Donna said...

Hello! I'm new here but have really enjoyed reading your blog. Am now a follower.
Sons can be so wonderful. My hubby and I have been married 50yrs... and yes, where has the time gone?!!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness - I wonder the same thing - if I don't see myself I am okay - lol - but when I see myself I ask who the heck is that old lady.
Glad you got that taken care of.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a great photo! Mark looks so much like his dad, and Steve looks more like you.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the photo awesome and fun at the same time. a very good idea. Dan makes me look like a dwarf now. he was 6'5" by age 15 and still is, at the time I was 5'6" and now and 2 inches LESS and shrinking fast. a super idea to get things done while your brain is functioning. I just did a few updates on paperwork last week..

Hootin Anni said...

I'm pretty sure I left a comment yesterday...but senior moments often occur these days

It's good to feel accomplished in legal issues and as we age, it becomes necessary.

Love the photo!!!!!

Marie Smith said...

Great photo of you both and your boys! Good to have that info out there!

LC said...

What a lovely photo and a wonderful approach to having your wishes absolutely clear as is your love for your family. You were having your family about the same time my husband and I were. Our oldest is the same age as yours, but there was a little longer time before our youngest arrived.

Shammickite said...

Loved your remark about the sons getting taller and you and Dave shrinking. You certainly have to look up to your two boys now!
Super picture.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The photo is lovely.
So glad you got to update your will. We need to do that too.

Wanda said...

Oh Sue, this is a wonderful photo. Goodness, you and Dave have very handsome sons. HaHa yes, we've all shrunk!! Even my two teenage great grandsons are taller than me!!
We've got a lot of love packed into these small bodies!
You have a wonderful family!!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

What a nice family photo of you and Dave and your 2 sons, Sue and it was also nice to read that that you all accomplished some very important business as well.