Monday, December 05, 2022


 Saturday night we attended a Christmas party for our Daughter in Laws side of the family.

It was everything Norwegian with some of us Swedes, Germans and Dutch thrown into the mix.

There were 28 of us laughing and probably eating far too much, but enjoying each others company.

6 were kids and most have grown into teen-hood, except for 2 sisters aged 3 1/2 and just turned one.

Most of my photos weren't very good.  No matter where I sat or stood it seemed to be all backsides, movement and weird facial expressions.

So I'm only posting this one of Santa and Paisley.  She really wasn't scared but happy to finally get off his lap after getting a toy.

Precious memories in the making.

And now I have to start getting my "Christmas Debris" together too.


Ginny Hartzler said...

You chose a good one! Was there Norwegian food as well?

Sandi said...


Hootin Anni said...

My brother in law was 2nd generation Norwegian in the USA. I bet the celebration was a blast!!!

Chatty Crone said...

Norwegians eat a lot of fish - right?
That little gal was so cute with Santa!
That is why you are blonde?

Wanda said...

Hi Sue. What a special Christmas celebration. My dear friend Kris that I've know since childhood is Swedish. They still hold to many ofthe traditions. I think that's very special. Our tradition is my mom's English Toffee. The girls, and granddaughters get together to make it. Lots of fun, and how nice to have a large bowl of English Toffee on the table.

diane b said...

That would be fun to experience a Norwegian Christmas. Lovely shot.

Marie Smith said...

Great shot of the little sweetie and Santa.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sounds like quite the get together, Sue, and sometimes nit taking photos lets you enjoy the moment more which I am sure you did.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

today is tuesday and i hope you got your decorations up for the visit tonight. Paisley is soooo is hard to take photos of people when all in limited space. sounds like a joyful get togetgher

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