Monday, November 21, 2022


 Here's a continuation of yesterday's post.

I am truly thankful for all of these ornaments.

We sold a lot and made a nice chunk of change.


We did not buy all of these!  We were gifted a huge inventory to sell and keep the profits.

Thankful for friends who are moving and need to have them gone...

Not so great photos but it's a good record for us.

Thankful for cel phones and the ability to have these memories.


Ginny Hartzler said...

You have it all wonderfully organized!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Way to go! I have over 1,000 Hallmark ornaments with their boxes. I don't use at least half of them anymore so I really need to work on putting them with their boxes and selling them. It's too late in the year for me to tackle that now but someday I will do that.

Marie Smith said...

That was a great gift! Glad they sold well!

Chatty Crone said...

I am really impressed!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the ones that did not sell in your garage sale you can sell on line. what a super great gift! so happy your items are selling well

Hootin Anni said...

Awesome way of decluttering and making some money!!!!

Carol said...

What a nice gesture and a way to make some extra income.

Lea said...

I want someone here to learn from my mistakes in life how Chemicals used in industries gives me Leukemia Cancer and it's all started when I wanted to get off my job to get another job that when I got diagnose, at that very point I was so scared to die because it has infected my blood cells also I was prescribed drugs like Cyclophosphamide,Busulfan,Bosutinib,Cytarabine, Cytosar-U (Cytarabine),Dasatinib in all that was just to keep me waiting for my dying day. I got inspired by what I read from a lady called Tara Omar on blog spot on how Dr Itua cure her HIV/Aids then they were lettered below that says he can cure Cancer so I pick his contact on the testimony she wrote then I emailed Dr Itua hopefully he replied swiftly to my mail then I purchased his Herbal medicine also it was shipped to me here in Texas, I went to pick it at post office so he instructs me on how the treatment will take me three weeks to cure my Leukemia Disease, Joyfully I was cured by this Dr Itua Herbal Medicine.
I will advise you to contact Dr Itua Herbal Center On webstore ; If you are suffering from Diseases listed below, Cancer, Diabetes,Liver / Kidney disease,HIV/Aids, Herpes Virus, Hepatitis, Chronic Illness. Lupus,Fibromyalgia.