Wednesday, July 20, 2022


 Week #3 of Covid for Dave and I.

We are getting so tired of the whole thing!!!

At least we are on the tail end of least this too shall pass.

Hope to stop coughing and getting some energy back.

Wishing we were in a cooler part of the state.

104F is hot enough for sure.

I hate to see our electricity bill this month...Yikes...

Golden Gate Bridge

San Francisco, CA


Marie Smith said...

Oh my! I hope you both feel better soon, Sue. Covid is circulating here too.

Hootin Anni said...

There are rumors of mask mandates again...I sure hope you two come thru this without it turning into "long COVID".

Yes, hot hot and more hot. Stay cool,and get well.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my goodness, it has been going on for entirely too long! Did your doctor give you Paxlovid? Has he any idea howlong it will last?

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Take care and feel better soon. ((Hugs)) & Prayers....

MadSnapper n Beau said...

hope it will get better each day of this week, I know some get better and some linger and pray yours is not going to linger longer.

Carol said...

So very sorry to hear that you have the dreaded COVID and I pray you are feeling better soon.

roentare said...

Sorry about your health issue at hands.
It shall pass and a wonderful ocean photo for us to enjoy

sandy said...

Three weeks - wow that's way too long. Hope it leaves really soon. At 104, it must be miserable outside. May you get good health back and cooler temps - sooner than a random surprise little snow storm or something.

LC said...

Haven't paid much attention to the news, but it does seem like Covid has been cropping up here, too. I had it. Then Hubby tested positive. Our latest was our oldest son. I'm thankful that Hubby and I are past it and that son is having mild symptoms. Hope you and Dave continue on the feeling better path. We are having 90 degree temps and high humidity. But 104 degrees . . .ouch. Stay cool and safe!

Linda said...

Covid - how I hate that word! I'm catching up here so I have already read that you are both feeling better and I am so very happy about that!!