Saturday, May 28, 2022


 Here's a few random photos from this past week with our family.

I'm having trouble transferring photos from my phone to Picasa so I will post what ever comes up

whether they are out of order or not.

Wedding photos will come much later.

This is the Sundial Bridge located in Redding, CA.

Its a "glass" bottom bridge going across the Sacramento River and actually acts like a huge sundial.

There are stones on the ground after leaving the bridge that are calculated to have the shadow hit amazingly at the accurate time.

We checked it out..

A trip to the Jelly Belly Factory in Fairfield, CA.

Terrific self guided tour and a nice bag of samples at the end.
(I'd show you a photo, but we ate them all )

Our Granddaughters striking a pose.

Of course we had to buy bags of Belly Flops to take home.

Maddie and Hanna at the vista point at Lake Tahoe.

Dave and I striking a pose for the camera.

Dorky Me !!   
Down at the Lake visiting the Tallac museum area.

You may have seen a photo very similar to this one from a few years ago.

Love my "Boys" and their sense of humor.

It was such a fun family reunion for all of us.

When I figure out how to get the rest of the photos transferred we'll have some more photos to peruse.


Ginny Hartzler said...

The bridge is amazing; I've never seen anything like it. What fun pics!! You had quite the adventures!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Great photos. Looks like you all had so much fun.
I used to use Picassa to edit my photos, and am still able to use it to make collages, but that's about it. Apparently Google is no longer supporting Picassa, so most of the features no longer work. I wonder if that's why you are having a problem?

Ruth Hiebert said...

Great family photos and wonderful memories for you and the family.

Rose said...

What fun memories! I look forward to more photos when you get able to post them.

Hootin Anni said...

What a Ripley's kinda bridge!! One for the books's a good thing I didn't go with you to the candy factory would find me still there in need of a bib by now.

Marie Smith said...

There’s nothing like family!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The pictures are so cute. Looks like you had a wonderful time.

sandy said...

ahh these are great fun family photos!! Makes me miss my family.