Tuesday, March 08, 2022


 My mind is all over the place today.

Hubby and I are feeling nostalgic and a bit sad...

Longing for some "old times" and "old friends"....

Friends have passed away and those who were couples are now single...

Of course we still love those left behind but we do miss the the friendship of doing things as couples together.

Finances and Covid have curtailed travel which we so love and long for...

We are just figuring out what OUR personal New Normal looks like...

Man, this is sort of a bummer post but it is what it is... 😐

I took this photo a few days ago..

There was the promise of rain.  We need that wet stuff so badly..

Didn't happen but I got a nice photo out of it anyway.

Love all of you wonderful people out there in Blog Land!

Thanks for letting me share with you.



Ginny Hartzler said...

What a stunning photo, with the blossoms and the stormy sky as a background. I know a lot of people are feeling the same way you are, though that is sure no consolation!

Marie Smith said...

Amazing photo, Sue. I hope you feel ester over the next few days. As long as you have each other…

Hootin Anni said...

We are all in the same boat. And travel has been a no-go for way too long. Love that stunning image. So pretty.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is a stunning photo. May I give a bit of advice, coming from a widow, myself. Please keep in touch with those who no longer have their spouse. I sometimes just miss having a conversation with a man,m no ulterior motive, but men have different ideas than women. I definitely feel like I have lost friends because I am no longer a couple and that saddens me. Take these words as you wish, I am speaking from my heart. Thanks for your love and friendship.

Rose said...

I think we all have feelings we don't share...so it is nice when we hear similar feelings from someone else. I miss the old times when Roger was capable of doing things and we could get out and go. I just don't say much about it on my blog.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I got up sad, no real reason, just watching Bob age and Beau age and feeling MY age today. I am glad you posted this, i read all the comments and the post and the comments are helping. when things get out of my control, this happens to me. some things we have no control over at all which is what I try to do, control.
hugs and love and hope you can help a friend like Ruth said.

LC said...

Your openness on your blog takes courage and actually is an encouragement to me to post no matter what my emotional status at the time. And today your post made my heart ache a bit for you. Then you made me smile at the lovely infusion of cheer you gave me with the lovely blossoms blooming bravely in the midst of clouds. Prayers.

diane b said...

You need rain and we have too much. Nature is a bit muddled at the moment. Nice photo though. It is sad when friends start leaving us but we should still try to socialise its healthy. We have curtailed travel. Age, Covid and floods helped us do that. We are happy with our hobbies and community activities.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Gorgeous. I am no longer able to post pics.

sandy said...

I came here late but I definitely "feel" you. It's good to get it out and express things. It opens up an avenue for more God/Good to flow in.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

((Hugs)) Love the photo. Take care and God Bless.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Beautiful photo. You do have a good eye (for capturing lovely shots).