Happy First Day of Spring!
The sun is shining today and our Asian Apple ... Papple ... tree is blossoming.
Just to catch everyone up on Life in this crazy household...
Friday ended up being a very good but extremely tiring day.
The sun was out in full force so my friend and I sat outside most of the day.
This was restful for both of us.
Our evening was spent doing volunteering at Celebrate Recovery..(Dave and I )
This evening was special. CR was celebrating 17 years of being active at the Bayside Granite Bay Campus.
Dave and our dear friend Debi and I set up and served cake and goodies to the 300+ people
that came to enjoy the activities.
Love these 2 people and we really work well as a team.
I have to admit that my tootsies were really tired after this.
After another busy day yesterday, Dave and I decided to play "hooky"
and stayed home today and watched church on line with our morning coffee.
Sometimes you "gotta" do what you "gotta" do..😊
Yes, you need to rest and recover as I know you will be out serving others soon - as you always do. I think we are about the same age and I am in the process of reevaluating my priorities while keeping some time for myself so that I will continue to be able to take care of others. Fine tuning my time.....as we all tend to do with each new 'age' we come to. That's especially important if we wish to advance to the NEXT age!
Love you guys and pray for you and Dave every day......
Looks like your priorities are straight!! That really WAS a celebration. Your tree blooms are beautiful, especially the purple center.
I admire you. I haven't donated time anywhere since my mom died a long long time ago and as a young mom i would take time out and visit nursing home people. One in particular I really liked but she had dementia and memory issues and when I would show up which was like every other day she would scold me for not coming in such a long while. I would have kept going but eventually being a mom to four young guys and my dad living with us after mom passed, i just couldn't fit it in anymore. I'll never forget her though - the woman I especially enjoyed visiting.
Wow! After a busy day like you had, staying home and watching church online sounds like a good idea.
You did good!! But, honestly, that doesn't surprise me at all. The world needs more like you two.
Never heard of a papple.
Googled...it's of the PEAR family?!!
You’ve been busy. Glad you rested yesterday!
your papple flowers are fantastic. i never heard of the tree until you started posting pics of yours... i love pears and apples so either is fine with me... so happy for both of you that the sun shone on you day together... that is a long time for a group to be around.
What a busy day you had and how wonderful to serve all those people cake!
Yes now and then you have to slow down and put your tootsies up.
You do stay so busy...I hope you recovered from all that standing.
Re my post on my photo blog...you said you did not know what a self healing mat is.
First of all rotary cutters are so very sharp...you can slice a finger too quick to talk about if you leave a blade open or don't make sure they are out of the way. So, you place your fabric or whatever you are cutting down flat like I showed in the photo. And you hold the ruler with one hand, MAKING SURE FINGERS do not stick over the edge. Take your rotary cutter in your other hand, open till the blade is exposed. And you run it right against the ruler and press down to cut the fabric.
You have to used a rotary cutter a lot in the exact same spot before you ever destroy a mat. It does not harm them or the blade. (Blades are expensive)
If you just laid the fabric just any old place, be it table or counter or whatever. It is going to really damage the surface plus damage the rotary blade.
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