Good morning!
I hope everyone survived the dreaded time change to Daylight Savings Time.
I'm glad I don't have any little kiddos to get up in the morning ....
I thought I would post the photo challenge for my faith-based photo club today.
The challenge for tonight is "Patterns".
There are no winners but everyone just has a chance to share what they shot this week.
Here is my submission for this evening. Things have been super busy this week so I had to shoot what was around my house.
Be sure to enlarge the pictures..they look so much more 3D.
I call this one ... "Patterns from Grandma".
Dave's Mom was a fantastic knitter and made all of the family their own blankets.
This is our treasured blanket from 50++ years ago.
Well....I thought artsy farts was a winner. That expression is something I use a lot.
LOVE your interpretation of the challenge!!
Ps...I think DST (or any time change) is a bunch of poo-poo.
Artsy fartsy (but farts will work too)
Love that blanket. It’s a treasure!
I like them, and they sure fit the subject. The first one looks so 3D!! I don't know how you did that!
they are both beautiful, i am leaning towards the black and white
wow wow - your mother's beautiful blanket - ..that's amazing~~! Looking at this i realized i have no craft stuff whatsoever, of any kind from my mother.. I do have my dad's art but this made me wonder if mom every did a craft or had a hobby.
The blanket is so pretty and definitely a treasure.
I love that Patterns from Grandma! It is gorgeous...of course I love all that color!
Very nice. That blanket looks like it is in great shape. The pillow looks awesome! Great job.
That blanket is beautiful, and it looks so 3D in the shot--like steps. How did you achieve that effect?
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