Saturday, January 15, 2022



I was reading MadSnapper's blog today.

She had some interesting facts about Flamingos.

One that intrigued me was about black flight feathers.

So I went back to several archived photos I had.

Nary a black feather among them.

Maybe mine were San Francisco zoo variety...💥😄

Well anyway....

Here's my contribution to Flamingo Saturday..

Have a great day.


Wanda said...

HaHa, so they are hiding their black feathers....Love your Flamingo photos. Lovely!! Have a great Saturday!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the ones I showed eat from our hands and we get to see the babies when they have them, their babies are white. some of ours are pale pink and some dark pink. the color changes with what they eat. beautiful photos, I tried to peek up under but they would not let me. ha ha

Ginny Hartzler said...

One thing I recently foud out is that there are different kinds!

Martha said...

Beautiful photos, flamingos are my favorite!

Hootin Anni said...

Some are completely white with black showing. Some are deep salmon colored. There are many different kinds around the world.
Fantastic images Sue.

sandy said...

those are beautiful photos. love them. i took flamingo photos up in Atascadero one time at their zoo. I've always loved flamingos now i have to look and see if any have black feathers.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful photos.

Marie Smith said...

Their colours are incredible. Great shots.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's interesting. I guess there are a few different kinds of flamingos.

jel said...

cool shots!

and cool birds

Rose said...

These are beautiful!