Monday, December 06, 2021



Dave and I had a wonderful time after church yesterday.

We went to our friends open house party.

Julie has bought her own home.  Its all about "New Beginnings".

She has her Down syndrome son Samuel and one daughter living with her.

The house is truly her HOME and her happiness abounds.

Samuel is now 22 years old and is the best Hugger around.

I do so love this family and was happy to be in their home at this beautiful season.

Again this post is mostly for me and my ongoing photo journal.

God does truly restore the years that the locust have eaten ...

Julie is living proof of that.

Tis the season of Hope and Goodness.


Linda said...

I love what you said about God restoring the years the locusts have eaten.....
I pray that for my Summer. God has already done that for me....

jel said...

SPECIAL FRIENDS, are very cool to have,and glad you have them.

sandy said...

I felt happy reading this. Wonderful for her and her son and you are such a sweet person.

Sandi said...

"God does truly restore the years that the locust have eaten ..."


Best Hugger is a GREAT title. He looks like he deserves it.

Hootin Anni said...

I have a grandson with Down Syndrome and yes they are huggers. God gave these special people an extra pound of love in their hearts...if only the "normal" people would take notice & learn from them. congrats to your friend with a new home.

Ruth Hiebert said...

To hear how this lady is moving forward with her life is truly inspiring.

Marie Smith said...

Blessings to your friend and her family!

Ginny Hartzler said...

So exciting for her, buying a home!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Awww I love this post. Home and inclusive loving family are a blessing.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

its that time of the year for joy and all of you look so full of joy and happiness. God Bless her family and their new home