Instead of a Friday Flashback I thought I would call this post
Friday Flash-Forward...
Good news...we are well on our way to recovery...
I took Dave to his follow-up appointment with the surgeon.
The dr. was very pleased with his healing and said that around JUNE 10TH, he can begin to put 25% weight bearing on the leg.
What happy news for my Hubby. This is a month earlier than he was first told.
I don't think we have to see the Doc. for quite a few weeks...Yay...
His appointment with the physical therapist went really well too. Range of motion is improving every day.
This news just makes the days brighter. Lots more work ahead but I think we will do it.
I am posting the same photo of Dave I did before but things are looking up!
As I have said so often...
One Day at a Time...
Wonderful news!!! And you will both now have the patience of a saint...
Super News! so happy for both of you. He must be like Bob and have what I call the Warrior Gene, they heal faster than the normal people do. wild clapping
Great news. Kelp doing what you’re doing!
Oh praise God! Each day is a step closer to full use.
That is great news, thank you Jesus !
have a good weekend
How wonderful to read such positive results with his last visit. Keep those happy thoughts and soon it will be all behind you.
That is such good news Sue. A month is a really big improvement. We are so thrilled God is continuing to answer prayer.
Right now my life is just a little to busy to blog. I miss it, and will get back to it, but now it would just be daily routine, and doctor appointments. We are doing well, and enjoy life One day at a Time.
One of the doves eggs hatched this morning. Watching her feed that new life just blesses y soul. Perhaps the other egg will hatch tomorrow. The nest is full. Momma and Daddy Dove so faithful and gentle. Love it!!
Such good news! I know therapy can be painful and difficult, but the payoff is big, even when it comes in tiny increments. Prayers!
Yay Dave! good news, keep up with the exercises, and keep smiling!
Good news - i imagine DAve is happy with his healing.
Praise God!! I know you are BOTH so blessed by this good news!! Amen and prayers for continued healing!!
Wonderful news.
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