Today is the first day of Physical Therapy for Dave at Kaiser.
I have to admit I'm a bit nervous...mostly because i have to get him into the car and out to get him into the building...park my car...and get him situated.
It's awkward but Dave is a big help in getting around but this isn't "home"...lots of unknown.
I know I am a worry wart but it's all new to me...going over the different possibilities in my mind.
I need to practice what I preach and Trust the Lord...
One Day at a Time...
Have a great day..
I am so sorry I have been absent from blogging. Your beloved , like me, is blessed to have a spouse whose love is expressed in caring actions, not only words. Praying you both in these physical therapy challenges.
You BOTH will be fine!!!!
you got this!!
I love them sayings
Getting Dave in and out of the car and to the clinic for the first time is a worry.... but once you both have done it a couple of times it will get easier. You'll have a routine. Like the expression "worry wart" my mother used that expression too. Haven't heard it for a while.
I hope all goes well!
I so much love this 10 Ways To Love, I am putting it on our church prayer and info line. I think if you are concerned about this, it means you are aware, thinking about it, and will do good!
Love the 10 Way to Love. Hope it went well for you today.
I understand how you feel. When I needed to help my sister from wheelchair to car and back again,I wanted so much to do everything right. Hope it all went smoothly.
prayers and good luck vibes coming your way, of course you should be home by now, since this was posted yesterday... hope all went well, with you and Dave
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