Sunday, December 27, 2020


This seems like a strange week, between Christmas and the New Year.

It's felt to me like Sunday since last Thursday...

I'm so confused...😜

We've gotten a bit of rain and the plants are so happy.

I'm getting ready to jump back into Diet mode in 2021.

Those  5-7 pounds have got to come off!!!

Wish me "luck".

I love when the tree in the backyard gets damp and peeling.

It makes for interesting photos.

The berries on the bush on our side yard look like they were ornaments for Christmas.

Enjoy your day

Stay warm...or cool...depending on where you live...

Stay safe...

Be Kind....


MadSnapper n Beau said...

love that peeling bark.. beautiful berries.. we are having the same problem, we were talking aout it this morning, It IS sunday right? yes, but we thought it was yesterday.. days are running together, no way to tell them apart. hope you can get your email fixed soon. miss you.. i forgt I can message you of Fb.. we are cold here, 3 more days.. brrr. all is well though. Martha has challenged us to do a 30 day challenge for each month. the first one is something about health every day, i was thinking about starting on the first of the month and each day report up or down loss, and if i tracked my food that day, make my blog about accountability...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love your photos. I finally got my Thanksgiving pounds off!! Take care.

Martha said...

Love the photos, especially that peeling tree. We finished off the last of the holiday leftovers today. I'm working on my menu plan for the week now, grocery shopping tomorrow, and then getting a couple days head start on working on my weight loss goal.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I love the berries with raindrops. Beautiful !

Linda said...

I love your tree and berries. The last couple of weeks have finally looked like Fall here in Texas! We have had no winter as of yet but snow flurries are in the forecast for one day next week. That's crazy because we haven't even had a hard freeze here yet!
I have been doing a little after Christmas shopping and found lights today at on eof the Home Depots! I've been praying about this and I knew God would provide one way or another. The lights I found at discount prices were bot regular (Cheaper) and LED! I loaded up on both!! Still putting the house back together.....have the front part done and will do the bedrooms and baths tomorrow. Then the quads come to spend a couple of nights with us. When they go home - Christmas will be done. Then I intend to spend a couple of quiet weeks enjoying our Christmas house before going down to the ranch for a couple of weeks. When we get back from there I will pack everything away. Summer won't be returning to Texas until the end of February and will quarantine here while we go back to the ranch.Life seems to stay pretty busy for us no matter what.....and I am grateful for that. Ed Young, Sr. says we need to have 'fire in our belly'....and I agree.
Take care of yourselves. Every visit here with you and every visit from you - I can see you in my mind's eye. Love you, Sue!

Hootin Anni said...

Beautiful pictures Sue!! Weight is always an issue...what I can't understand is our men folk eat the same & never gain! I protest!!!

Reeva said...

Hi tthanks for posting this