Monday, June 08, 2020


For the last 10 years I have made an annual Blog Book.

Its my way of journaling and having a hard copy for posterity.

I'm so happy with this company, their work, the quality and fair cost.

This is an unpaid endorsement for Blog2Print.

Hopefully our family will enjoy the books long after I'm gone.

3 weeks from downloading, ordering and receiving in the mail.

I'm a Happy Camper !!


Marie Smith said...

I’ve got to start after 1100 posts!

Chatty Crone said...

They do the whole year?

Ginny Hartzler said...

They are really nice!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Sounds like a good idea.

Linda said...

I'm loving mine, too! AFter blogging for 10 years, I have some catching up to do! My book for 2010 was 2 books. 2011 is taking 4 books. I can't imagine how many I will need for 2012 because that's the year the quads were born!

Hootin Anni said...

What a joy! And awesome idea.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have heard a lot about blog to Prince but never seen the actual book. I do a really good job

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I wish I would have started that. I have made books on special trips we have taken.

Michelle said...

Those are pretty cool!

Wanda said...

I'm so glad you told me about doing it. I have 2009 (My cancer journey) and just did 2019. I'm going back and having for of my previous years printed, and then will have 2020 when it's over...unless the Lord comes first!!!

I like the cover your chose!

sandy said...

that looks and sounds great. I've thought about doing this but just never got around to it. Seeing yours makes me think i just might do that.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

I love that idea. I must research and see if I am able to accomplish it.