Tuesday, March 10, 2020


This past weekend was a bit different for Hubby and I.

We don't have any pets of our own.

On occasion we become "Grandparents" to our Granddogger Snicker

As in Snickerdoodle.  She's a Labradoodle and tan like the cookie...hence the name.

While her Human family was gone celebrating the engagement of their daughter,

Snicker came to visit.

She's almost 13 and at times thinks she's still a pup.

Our backyard is her Happy place.

So many things to smell and discover.

Her muzzle is beginning to turn white
But there is still at times a young pup inside that heart of gold.

Our little Wisteria plants are beginning to blossom too.
Sweet fragrances for Snicker's sniffing pleasure....

The flowers on these bushes were just getting ready to burst.
I think she liked the fragrance.

So much to smell....So little time....

I think she wore her nose out.


Wanda said...

You got some great shots of Snickerdoodle...I had forgotten that she is getting older. Well with a granddaughter getting engaged....sh....maybe in a few years you could even have a real great grandbaby. I love that Lauren has found her special man. Have a great day with your dogsitting. It's raining here today, so I'm doing a little story telling on my blog and looking for a good movie to watch this afternoon with my dearest. He was feeling really good and strong this morning...Yeah PTL.

Marie Smith said...

Such a beauty. We always enjoy time with our grand-dog too. The best of both worlds, time with a sweet pet and she goes home too.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

she is still as beautiful as she ever was and I love her name.. I also loved snickerdoodle cookies but alas, no more.. she does look happy giving the sniff test to all the plants. dogs like to go to new places with new smells, like we like to go to a museum. it is her outing.

Michelle said...

She looks, and sounds, like a treasure. There is nothing, and I mean nothing, like the love of a great dog.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Interesting pictures. I'm sure you had fun.

Chatty Crone said...

She is so cute....

Ginny Hartzler said...

Doggie paradise! She looks so sweet.

Shammickite said...

Congratulations to Lauren on her engagement, how lovely for you and Dave to get a handsome new grandson!
Snickerdoodle looks pretty good for her age. Our TessaDog is about the same age, she will be 13 this summer. And still thinks and acts like a puppy most of the time but has to take quite a few short naps during the day now. (Like many of us! Yawn.....!)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Fun times. I love dogs and she's so cute!

sandy said...

she is cute and your a lucky grandmama to Snickers. We were asked to babysit our son's dog '"Bodhi" , that was different and a first time for us.

Andrea Charles said...

It definitely was a very different weekend for you and Dave. Thank you very much for taking time in sharing the beautiful experience of being grandparents of Snickerdoodle. The picture you have shared looks lovely and showcases the amount of love you have for the dog. Highly appreciate your passion for photography