Monday, February 24, 2020


I really love our backyard this time of year.

Things are beginning to say it's Spring.

Here's another photo of our almond blossom

And here's one of our green plum in blossom too.

So delicate and beautiful.

Someone asked if there was a fragrance.

The blossoms do smell but it's not very sweet.

Wish it was as pretty as the flowers are.

Of course, as always...

Enlarging the photos will really show the detail.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Delicate and beautiful are the perfect words to describe them!

jel said...

I'm sooooooo ready for spring!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Both flowers are so pretty.

Chatty Crone said...

Those were so pretty.

Marie Smith said...

Gorgeous! So different from what I see out there these days. And all on the same planet. Such a beautiful earth!

LC said...

Yes, delicate, beautiful and an intricate display of God's creation. Such lovely photos.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these blossoms are just gorgeous! I have never seen peach trees bloom or almond trees bloom. both make me think of dogwood blooms... love these photos

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

So gorgeous ....and such a nice reminder of our home in Oregon while we’re here on the other Coast. Happy Spring!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, beautiful blossoms. We still have a month or so before we see any blooms. I say the same, choose to be happy! Wishing you a happy day and a great weekend ahead!

sandy said...

i love those blooms!