Tuesday, August 20, 2019


Our older son Steve had his birthday in July.

Life got in the way

So it took until last night to celebrate.

Missing some of our family but were able to be with Steve, his lovely wife,

and our granddaughter.

What a delicious meal we had at The Outback Restaurant.

Of course, I was so busy chatting and eating... 

Not a single photo was taken.


Here is a photo of family from some time ago.

Better late than never !!

Love this girl to pieces.

Amanda is beautiful both inside and out.

We did miss having our oldest Granddaughter Lauren there to celebrate her

Dad's birthday.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Amanda is so familiar to me, I would recognize her anywhere. she it a beautiful young lady. glad you were all together for his birthday dinner, doesn't matter when.

LC said...

Your focus on Steve's birthday meal and the "in-person" visiting was rightly the priorityI The photo of your lovely granddaughter is priceless: composition, balance, texture, color and capture of character.

Chatty Crone said...

Happy belated birthday Steve!

Michelle said...

Always important to put the phone down and enjoy the moment!

sandy said...

sweet photos - happy birthday to your son. Your granddaughter is so cute.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Sounds like you all had a great time. Being with family is always first priority,so the lack of pictures is ok.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a beautiful family you have!

Marie Smith said...

Special times together. Wonderful!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Happy Birthday to Steve! Sounds like a good time. Love the photo of Amanda, she is so beautiful. It is never easy to have celebrations when other's are missing... :(