Monday, July 01, 2019


I was reading my friend Sandra's blog post about step stools.

I too am vertically challenged and need them to reach most things in my kitchen.

Then I got to thinking about my very high bed...

We have a California King bed.

It's too high for me to climb into without a little help.

Hence the step stool.

I sort of feel like the Princess and the Pea story when I go to bed.

This step stool is quite old.  We acquired it from my mother in law.

She had recovered it for us.

I had said in my comments on Sandra's blog that Mother in Law had done needlepoint on it.

Nope not this one.

Here is the one that she did such beautiful work on. 

This one is in our Family Room.

Wonderful treasures to keep in the family.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

now you need a dog to use that step stool. HA HA... i love the last one, so pretty and i can see why you need one to get on the bed. our Cal King is high, but not that high. ours is butt high for me.. i would need a stool to get up also. i used to climb up on the bed, stand up and get the curtains off the wall, clean the window that is over the bed, wash and put the curtians back, walk on the bed and clean the fan and the lights and globes. USE TO is the clue word. can't do it now even with a stool..

Ginny Hartzler said...

These are beautiful fancy stools. Hard to find one like these nowadays. My gosh, your BED!! I would be terrified of falling out. I like your pretty spread!

Linda said...

I love your treasured stools! Our bed is high, too! I can still kind of hop up there most days. The days I can't - or nights I should say - is why I have that olden wooden step stool from the late 1980's in there! I cannot imagine how it would feel to be tall. Louis Dean is still 6 feet even though he lost an inch or two over the years. He says living here is like living in a Barbie Doll house! But he's got used to it, thank goodness!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Being short comes with it's own challenges.I know,I am one of them. Somehow we always find a solution.

Chatty Crone said...

The needlepoint was gorgeous.
I am vertically challenged too - I have lots of stools around here.

Marie Smith said...

The beds these days are incredibly high. Gone are the days of the sack filled with down which would move around and become flat. My bed is not as high as yours but it requires a bit of a jump up.

Azka Kamil said...

awesome article.
thanks for sharing :)

diane b said...

Yes I am also vertically challenged but I don't have fancy stools like that to help. But I do have a timber one that hubby made years ago.

diane b said...
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Annie Jeffries said...

I could use one of these next to my bed. Oh. Wait. I HAVE one. Let the relocating begin!!