Sunday, June 02, 2019


This has been a crazy couple of days.

It certainly isn't the typical beginning of June weather.

The thunderheads off to the North and East have been amazing.

Friday night Hubby and I were prepping and serving

BBQ for Celebrate Recovery at our church.

The temperature got muggy and there was a stunning sunset

with storm clouds building off in the distance.

I wish I had been able to capture the best of the color.

This will have to do.

That evening and last night we had a full scale "MidWest thunder storm".

Truly powerful.

Have a wonderful Sunday.


Marie Smith said...

Love the photo! Happy Sunday!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos !!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the crosses in front of the sky.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

weather gone wild!!! all over the USA and the rest of the world. glad it did you no harm. beautiful sky over the 3 crosses... our weather has not been normal for more than 2 years now.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I may be somewhat crazy, but I like a good old-fashioned thunderstorm.The kind where the thunder rattles the windows, as long as the storm doesn't bring hail or severe wind.

LC said...

Wonderful that you were able to capture the sky with the crosses, a reminder that the one who gave his life for us is also with us through life's storms.

Chatty Crone said...

The three crosses reminds me of a Randy Travis song - Three Crosses. It really hit me!

Linda said...

The crosses are beautiful!
I love weather! All kinds. Rain is the best.
I love how active y'all are in your church. You inspire me.....

sandy said...

Wow i totally remember thunder storms when I was a kid in Kansas city - ...very very loud. One time we flew from California back to visit our home town in Kansas and over St. Louis it was the most frightening flight when the turbulance became crazy. Beautiful photo.