Monday, May 20, 2019


I was so happy to see the sun this morning.

Bragging about that bright orb in the sky.

Then I looked out again.....

Where did my sun go??

It's still a pretty Monday...

Have a great week, everyone.


Marie Smith said...

If we have a sunny day, a week of rain is sure to follow. It’s been a wet spring.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

spectacular view .. so beautiful

Anonymous said...

Don’t worry it will come BACK,,,I want to thank you so much for the kind words you write on my blog posts, you are so kind,

Linda said...

It's always a good thing to brag on the beautiful!

Ginny Hartzler said...

If it was out all the time, maybe we wouldn't love it as much!

Martha said...

I very often look out the window and smile to see the sun is shining, but when it's my turn to go out, the sun has gone into hiding. That is why the weekend here was such a blessing.

diane b said...

Whisper next time. Pretty photo

Ruth Hiebert said...

Ah yes, sometimes we get excited just a little too soon. Yes, you still show a beautiful sight, even without sunshine. We had the sunshine today and it was wonderful.

sandy said...

we have that on and off again sun - but it's been so pretty! Hope your week is good also.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You have a great week too!

Annie Jeffries said...

Monday was bright here as well. Storms did threaten and then backed away. Sadly, this day, Tuesday, storms are moving in again. We really need the rain to stop. The upper Mississippi River is swollen to record-breaking levels not seen since 1927. We have lakes where there should be fields; farmers and consumers are going to have a hard time this year.

Michelle said...

The sun is out for the week here. We are having some nice weather. Don't know how long it will last!

Chatty Crone said...

I FIGURED OUT (I THINK) ON YOUR BLOG! I'll check another one and see. Pretty scenery there girl. sandie♥