Saturday, May 04, 2019


I have been off line for several days.

Nothing serious, just am getting old....

Hubby and I helped prep and serve food to the volunteers at our church conference.

It was certainly not as big as my Mexico work every year


I'm not as young as I was a year ago either.

We did a great job and I loved the people I worked with.

Very happy to just be helpers and not the leads on this one.

Continental breakfast, hot lunch, full dinner for 400-500.

We had lots of happy and full tummies people.

I put this quote up because....

When I'm tired and the feet hurt for being on them for 8 or 9 hours

Everything becomes "noise" and my attitude too.

Today, after a pretty good night's rest

The music is beginning again.

My dear friend Melissa Woods and I.

I was so happy to work with her...

She definitely made the music begin again.


Ruth Hiebert said...

I so understand the part of being a year older and all this work being just a bit harder. Seems that with my upcoming birthday,I am feeling the 'age' more than ever and I don't like it.

Marie Smith said...

Isn’t it wonderful when you can help out that way? Hope you feel rest and rejuvenated real soon.

MadSnapper said...

each year older it gets harder to do the same things, sometimes each week.. but you are blessed to have your church and to keep on keeping on doing all that you do... keep on doing it. God will give you the strength.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I just love this quote! So is this number the membership of your church?

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You're so sweet. Take care!

Linda said...

I am right there with you! Except you are way ahead of what I would be able to do! I am so impressed. Tired? You have every right to be after all that!
I am surprised at what a difference a year makes. I can still do everything I used to do - but slowly and not as much of it. It is a real challenge to grow old gracefully.......I am so trying to do it. I want to be like YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh you fed a lot of people! That’s amazing, What a good heart you have, you certainly earned your rest!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness it is a miracle. I have tried to leave messages on your posts and my computer would not let me - blogger blocked it - and I didn't have your email to write you. Would you send it to me and if you did - before - my computer died and I lost it. I always love to have an address to comment. It is not on your home page.

I really like the quote about music - I totally agree - sometimes the world gets noisy - and we have to get rest for the music to come back.

sandy said...

I am the same way ..things become noise when I'm really tired. Sweet photo of you and your friend. I could not do what you do... that's a lot of people