Saturday, March 02, 2019



There seems to be never ending rain in our neck of the woods.

This photo is from yesterday, when the sun peaked out for a while....

Today it's just gray and wet....

Gonna build me an Ark!!


Shammickite said...

Well, the trees are enjoying it! It could be worse..... it could be SNOW!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The photo is lovely though. Sky reflected in water.

Wanda said...

Yesterday was beautiful, sunny and bright...not a cloud. Today rain. Had to go to Target and decked my raincoat, boots, umbrella....actually, I don't mind the rain if I am dressed for it. The hard part is taking Molly for a walk when it's raining. She had a little raincoat, but her head and paws get so wet. I bring her in a blow dry her. She loves it as she is use to it from the Groomer, and that warm air feels good after a walk in the rain.

Your photo is lovely. Talked to Jill today and Oregon is drench~ Rained 5" in a day, and one of the roads is washed out. They are use to it!

Love and Hugs

Ruth Hiebert said...

I love seeing the reflections in these small puddles.For your sake,I hope the rain ends soon.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Hi,stopping by the Mad Snapper. An ark here in Idaho one needs a team of dog and a sled.
Coffee is on

MadSnapper said...

be sure to put a dog house in your ARK in case we have to share it with you. right now we are in a drought but who knows what the weather will do next?

Carol said...

Our days have been cloudy and gray. Now it is snowing. I am more than ready for spring!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Us too, the rain comes in for about 3 day every week in Riverside, CA. It's very ugly outside right now. Stay safe out there!

Marie Smith said...

Great photo. Love the reflection in the water!