Saturday, March 16, 2019


A few days ago our next door neighbor needed to come into our backyard.

He had been trimming his tree and the branches fell in our yard.

Mike and Dave worked to clean things up and then our neighbor Mike said,

Lets trim some of your trees and bushes in your front yard.

So Mike went at it

and worked so hard....

And now we have some much needed trim and clean up done.

When his wife came home she said ,

Here, let me help you make things neat and tidy.

We worked for about 2 hours chatting and enjoying the sunshine....

While cleaning up the mess.

What can I say?

We have awesome next door neighbors!!!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

YES you do have awesome neighbors. so glad they could help out and all that sunshine looks great from here.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You have amazing neighbors!!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Sounds like your neighbours are like mine, priceless.Good neighbours are so valuable.

peppylady (Dora) said...

It good to have good neighbors.
Coffee is on

Marie Smith said...

You sure do!

Wanda said...

How good God is in the simple things. Good neighbors, good friends. People who love to help out and serve. How nice was that! It was a good day!!

Nonnie said...

You certainly do. What a wonderful blessing to have good neighbors, but those are really great neighbors!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Pure kindness- and that is so hard to find nowadays. We have one neighbor and they are the best! Even out in the country, good people are to be found!

Linda said...

What wonderful people live next door to you! Bet they think the same thing about y’all!

diane b said...

Good neighbours are like diamonds.