Sunday, April 29, 2018


Dave and I had a great Saturday afternoon.

We went to Beale Air Force Base for a terrific Free air show and expo.

We joined thousands seeing the sights.

This is the first time since 2009 that the Base has been open to the public for an air show.

We saw Aerobatics, Wings of Blue, Patriots Jet demos, BlackHawk,

U2 spy plane and a whole lot of planes that I don't know the names of.

Weather was perfect too.

Crazy clouds...

Precision fly teams...

They sure fly in close formation.

Enlarging these will show a lot more detail.

Here's on of the HUGE transport carriers that we got to walk through.

A single line of bench seats on either side with seat belts for the soldiers

and the center was for jeeps, tanks and all their gear..I couldn't get over how big it was,

and how uncomfortable it must be to travel that way.

Here's my Hubby coming down the gangway...very steep.

Here's the U2 spy plane going through its paces.

Paratroopers hitting the Mark exactly from an extremely high altitude.

This is the Chinook Chopper that took down Sadam Hussain.

Thanks for looking.

We had a great time.


DeniseinVA said...

Enjoyed your post. It has been years since I saw anything like this. Must have been a great show.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What fun! Yes, enlarging the pictures really shows the details! You got great pictures, considering the plane were up high and flying fast!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like the photo of the transport plane. we used to go to these shows when SAC was at Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, GA.... lots of fun in the air and on the ground... i like the sky pics to with the planes flying so close to each other it is scary. great shots of them so high in the sky