Monday, April 17, 2017


Here we are at ABC Wednesday again.

Today's letter is " O ".

My 2 week trip to Guadalupe Victoria, Mexico is....


I will be sharing just a few OF the photos taken

Showing what I did there.

This is Basecamp.

1200 high school kids and adult leaders from our church go ON this annual

time to serve the people of Mexico.

We cracked 200 dozen eggs everyday for scrambled eggs.

That's 2400 eggs each and every day!

The Kitchen team fed 1200 people breakfast and dinner each day.

Here's some of OUR team...myself included up and at 4:30 every morning.

Happy scrambling.

It's amazing what can be done ON small propane grills.

OUR "bedroom" for the first week until the big "M.A.S.H. tents were put up.

Here are the Mash tents that we slept in for the rest of the time.

Big and ugly... but we didn't care...we were so exhausted we could sleep


11 homes were built for deserving families.

The families were chosen by the local pastors.

We were there to build.

Thanks for looking at my OFFICIALLY OVER photos.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I am very tired just looking at your pictures!! You are an amazing person and an amazing Christian.

Marie Smith said...

Congratulations on a job well done. It looks exhausting but wonderful!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

11 homes is amazing and so are all the very large pans of eggs... I have not slept on a cot like these since in about 60 years I think. good job to all of you and your good work for others

MelodyK said...

what an amazing journey... in admiration for you I say: well done

Have a nice ABC-day / -week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

Anonymous said...


Roger Owen Green said...

welcome home!


Hildred said...

A wonderful venture, - you must be very much appreciated. Love scrambled eggs, but that's a big order.

Rajesh said...

This sure looks a great trip.

Reader Wil said...

I like this kind of spending one's time! I used to go to workcamps in my holidays. I was in the Netherlands, in the UK and Germany.It was always a great event.
Thanks for sharing.

carol l mckenna said...

What a wonderful thing you and your team did and looked very loving and fun besides ~ Great photos for O ~ thanks,

Wishing you a peaceful week ~ ^_^

kc bob said...

2400 eggs each and every day?

I do not remember cracking a fraction of that in the Army. ツ

Bless you for serving Sue.