Monday, December 05, 2016


It's time to again post for ABC Wednesday.

The letter is " V ".

I'm going to post a VARIETY of photos and thoughts for it.

No VISIONS of Sugar Plums are in our future this year.

We unfortunately have to forego our annual trek to Disneyland.

No Santa pretty lights....

There's always next year.


Some VERTICAL lines to brighten your day.

Thanks for looking at my post and leaving a comment.

I also want to thank Roger and Denise for the fun ABC Wednesday series.


Marie Smith said...

Great variety!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your second picture is amazing! So beautiful. And the corrugated rust is beautiful in it's own way. Rust never sleeps. Sorry you cannot go this year, I hope you are O.K.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my favorite is the rust and ladder, awesome.. and the vertical windows are pretty to. sorry you will miss your trip. I assume it is because you are sitting the big beautiful grand dogger

Hildred said...

Love your Vs - a nice variety.

Rajesh said...

Excellent variety.

Roger Owen Green said...

you know how to mix it up!


Photo Cache said...

Well done with the Vs, as always.

Amit Agarwal said...

Awesome pictures!

Trubes said...

Such a shame to miss Santa at Disney.
That would make me VERY sad,

as you say 'There's always next year'.

Your thoughts on V are most interesting.
Best wishes,
Abcw team.

MelodyK said...

Lovely photo's and thoughts....with a good choice for v.... like mine, but different

Have a nice ABC-day / – Week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-team)

Reader Wil said...

You always surprise me with the right words each week!

Ann said...

I adore Christmas parades, we have a large outdoor shopping center with many fountains and buildings lit up which is beautiful.

Michelle said...

You do have some good choices for, "V".