Friday, August 12, 2016


After having a wonderful conversation with Miguel on FaceBook this morning,

I began to think of this young man I met in Mexicali.

I wonder what has happened to Antonio.

He greeted me like I was his long lost Grandma.

Antonio's face will forever haunt me.

He did not want me to leave.

I think I'm going to cry.


Ginny Hartzler said...

A sad parting for sure. Perhaps one day you will find out, stranger things have happened.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they have such a hard life down there, no wonder they flee to the US, i would to

Marie Smith said...

Who knows what he's experienced? Oh my...

Bob Scotney said...

Interesting reflections - not an interpretation I expected.

Gilly said...

Excellent take on "reflective". Both Antonio and you are reflecting - I too wonder what happened to people we meet and then go past?

Carol said...

It's sad to think that you might have been the one that he could have confided in. Prayers for Antonio!!

Shammickite said...

Perhaps he's on Facebook! So many lost friendships have been reunited using social media.

kc bob said...

Simply beautiful Sue.