Saturday, July 16, 2016


My sweet Hubby picking our "Papples" today.

They are a cross between a pear and an apple.....

I think they are close to the Asian Pear family.

They looked so good that I had to make a Papple Cobbler.

Since it isn't on my diet restrictions,

Dave will get most of the yumminess.

I have to admit I cheated just a skoosh,

One teeny, tiny teaspoonful

For "TESTING" purposes

Won't hurt me too much.

Now don't go tattling to the Doctor



MadSnapper n Beau said...

I really like this picture of hubby and i know i would love that Papples stuff, even though i have never had it

Marie Smith said...

The dessert looks delicious of course. Papples are new to me although I love Asian pears.

LC said...

Yummy! Cobbler looks so good. Have you tasted them uncooked, straight from the tree? If so, do they taste as wonderful as a mix of pear and apple sounds? I had never heard of those. May you have a blessed week.

Wanda said...

Hi Sue...Dave looks so cute out picking your fruit. I know that tiny teaspoon of cobbler had to taste good. Yes, every cobbler needs a "tester" did good. I had another piece of sourdough toast with plum jam this morning, and thought of you!!! Your jar is set aside..I promise I will not get into it!!!! Getting ready to head to church. But a couple of chicken breasts, potatoes, onions and cream of chicken soup in the crock pot. We'll see what we have when we get home. Hopefully lunch. Dodgers coming on at 1 PM so didn't want to be in the kitchen. HaHa. They lost last night..Dave...stop laughing!!!!!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

My lips are sealed! It sure looks good! You have willpower to have made this without having a piece. I have not heard of these, but Phil loves apples and Asian Pears.

Shammickite said...

hmmmm apples and pears, I bet they taste really good.

Ann said...

Oh my goodness it does look so good, I'd have a piece with you for sure.

kc bob said...

Now there is a picture of a happy man!

Carol said...

That looks delicious! I might need to find some papples.

Unknown said...

YUMMY! It looks marvelous! I love diet cheaters. That might be why I will be forever a dieter... ; )