Monday, March 28, 2016


It's good to be back after being gone for 2 weeks.

We are now at  LETTER  " L " for ABC Wednesday.

I'm calling this post


Mexicali, Mexico was full of LESSONS.

I will share several with you today.

If you enlarge this photo you will see how we slept the first 5 nights of our church outreach.


Adjusting to other peoples snoring in such close proximity.

The big M.A.S.H. tents were not put up yet and we had so much setting up to do in our kitchen.

Team work....

Preparing Hawaiian Chicken for 1100 students and adults requires Team Work.

40 huge pans of pasta being prepared for dinner.

The LIFE LESSON of working together is the only way things can get done.

One LEARNS the LESSON of taking their allergy meds while preparing food at

Base Camp.

The alfalfa field was being harvested and bundled the second day we were there.

Enlarging the photo will show the dust and grain.

Can you say ACHOO?

My best LESSON was LEARNED from this special young man.

Isai  has Down Syndrome.  He has very LIMITED speech.

He is also very rambunctious.  He doesn't have a lot of self control.

He always greets everyone with a high five and wants to show us what his treasure of the day is.

I watched as one of my friends gave him a very tender hug and kissed his forehead.

I noticed how mellow and quiet he got with this type of attention.

When Isai came to me I decided to hug him the same way.

I wrapped my arms around him and gave a genuine hug and kiss.

His reaction just melted my heart and brought tears to my eyes.

He LEANED into me and it almost felt like he was purring.

All the tenseness went out of him and he just sighed.

Perhaps he doesn't get this attention at home...I don't know....

All I know is that after two years absence,

He remembered me and for some moments got an extra dose of LOVE.

My heart was full too.


julie hauser said...

I love, love, love this post. The lessons we learn in the places we learn them.

Marie Smith said...

Love your post. Love and kindness mean everything!

Wanda said...

Sue, you are so at the top of my hero list. What pleasure you must bring to our Lord. Love you tons, and love your servant heart.

Shammickite said...

I am glad that you are home safe and sound after your trip south. In spite of the sneezing and the snoring!! I'm so glad things went well, and that young man deserves lots of hugs.

Rajesh said...

Wonderful life lessons.

Roger Owen Green said...

Welcome back. We all need to be LEARNING, all the time.


Reader Wil said...

What a lovely post. It shows love with a capital L. Thanks!
Wil, ABCW Team

MelodyK said...

Life's lessons are neseccary, painfull even at some times, but we can't do without

Have a nice ABC-Wednesday-day / - week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (ABC-W-team)

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! What an inspiring and thought provoking post and sweet photos!

Wishing you peace in each day ~ ^_^

Photo Cache said...

Your heart is full; the heaven smiles on you.


Indrani said...

Good that you spent few moments with him giving him love and affection.
A lovely post for the week.
Happy ABCW!

kc bob said...

What a blessing. Thanks for serving Sue.

Joy said...

After cooking for 1100 I'm surprised you were still awake to hear any snoring. Beautiful hug story. Hugs to all.

Ira said...

life is the best teacher.

LC said...

Lovely L post and moving experience with the young man.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is so wonderful about Isai... makes my heart warm. I think maybe the downs syndrome people don't get loving attention just like homeless people don't get loving attention or even talked to, everyone looks the other way... once I asked a homeless man that I was eating with what was the one thing he wished people would do for him. he said look at me, talk to me, don't look away... glad you are home safe and exhausted. I am trying to find a way to blog and be pain free. wish me luck

Unknown said...
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