Monday, March 07, 2016


We are now at the 9th letter of the alphabet.

IT'S  the letter  " I ".

Since I have been under the weather or ILL,

I have needed to go back INTO my archives.

I hope you will enjoy these IMAGES.  

IN fact the photo of Cinderella is made up of thousands of INDIVIDUAL  IMAGES.

Make sure you enlarge the picture to see what I am talking about.

The pictures were taken in 2005, celebrating 50 years at Disneyland.

The creative genius behind the Disney product are called IMAGINEERS.

IF they can IMAGINE  IT

IT can be done.

I had to throw this picture INTO the mix too.

Jungle Book is one of my favorites.

The IMAGES are put together so well that I forget they are INDIVIDUAL photographs.

Thanks for looking and leaving a comment.


Wanda said...

Oh I love these images Sue. I love Cinderella, and an all time favorite Jungle Book. Hope you get to feeling better really soon. When is Mexico??

Marie Smith said...

Feel better soon. Those photos are beautiful. Imagine doing those by hand rather than digitally! Beautiful art!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

You did a very imaginative job of showing the letter I... i am a big fan of Cinderella and have been since old enough to hold my fairy tale books. when my son who is 51 was 5, we went to see Jungle Book at the movies. when the bear died he started sobbing and jumped up and ran out of the theater. i had to chase him down and drag him back in so he could see the bear was not really dead...

kc bob said...

IMAGINEERS. I like that word.

MelodyK said...

ofcourse i enjoy them, but more i feel sad for you that you don't feel well, so i hope that that very soon will change !!

Have a nice ABC-Day / - Week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

Leslie: said...

This is truly amazing and IMAGINATIVE!


carol l mckenna said...

Lovely post and so creative and intriguing to read ~ Gorgeous visuals ~

Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

Photo Cache said...

It is all this wet and wild weather one day and hot the next. I have been harboring a cold for weeks now. Get better.


Roger Owen Green said...

I was ILL a couple weeks ago. It's going around.


Janis said...

Disney Imagianeers really CAN do anything!
Great archive posting, hope you are less "Ill" soon!

Ann said...

Looks like those pics would be time consuming--the outcome is fantastic.

Hildred said...

Hope you will see be well...

Shammickite said...

Sorry to hear you haven't been well, and I hope it's nothing serious. So get better ASAP and keep on blogging!