Monday, January 11, 2016


Can you believe this is the start of session 18?

I am going to give it a valiant try AGAIN this time.

Round 18..... the letter  " A ".


ALONE with his thoughts.


Sad and ALONE in the cold and snowy cemetery.


Buried  ALONE  and forgotten.

ALWAYS remember to go to the ABC link on my sidebar

to see what others have posted for ABC Wednesday.


LC said...

Those photos were certainly evocative of a cold, gray day we had here recently. But today was a B day, BETTER with BLUE skies and BRIGHT sunshine.

Wanda said...

Oh my goodness, Sue you have started with so much emotion. Wow...the pictures are fantastic, but your word ALONE and your narrative is brilliant.

I may just start next week with A and B. I'm sure thinking about it. What do you think?

mrsnesbitt said...

WOW! Sue - how emotional. I am basing Round 18 (I know) on house issues. LOL!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am a person who loves time alone, as in time with my thoughts and just me. that is a pretty and sad angel.

Hildred said...

How very sad, - well, it can be a sad state if you are truly alone, all the time.

Rajesh said...

Great choice of words.

Unknown said...

well... just do this again, again and again every week to come ;-)

Have a nice abc-day / week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

Leslie: said...

I enjoy visiting cemeteries and wonder about the lives that were lived. Your post is very emotional today and I certainly hope you are not alone unless you wish to be. I do like my "alone time" and need it to refresh myself, but I'm naturally a people lover.

abcw team

carol l mckenna said...

Very contemplative post and photos for A ~

Wishing you a joyful week ~ ^_^

Indrani said...

That is a unique choice for 'A'.
18th round! I Appreciate that! :)
Happy ABCW!

Shooting Parrots said...

You're never alone with ABC Wednesday!

Murthy K v v s said...

Alone is a good choice.

Shammickite said...

Oh dear now I feel sad..... pass the kleenex. sob sob

Kate said...

Alone can be a very good thing for thinking and reflection.

Martha said...

Mom used to sing an old hymn that sai, No, never alone, no, never alone. He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone..." Couldn't help but remember.

Roger Owen Green said...

There was a great post by my buddy Amy Biancolli about being alone


Ann said...

What a somber thought--thank God for faith so we don't have to stay alone.

EG CameraGirl said...

I like the statue Alone with his thoughts! Thoughtful post!

Joy said...

The final journey is indeed alone but somehow I always imagine cemeteries as a gathering together.