Tuesday, November 10, 2015


ABC Wednesday has arrived at the letter  " R ".


The weather this weekend helped make my choice a little easier.

" R "  is for RAIN.

We finally got some wet stuff in our  RAIN  starved area.

I love how the drops look like RARE diamonds on the leaves.

Praying for more puddles in the days to come.

ROOSTERS have feelings too.

Apparently this one didn't want his picture taken.



I know I sound like a broken RECORD,

but enlarging the photos will definitely show more detail.


Marie Smith said...

Sometimes I wish we could share the rain we get. Loving the look of the letter R though!

Anonymous said...

rain is of the most romantic word for today,
glad to see those golden, red, rainy leaves.

Unknown said...

thankfully there was rain then ;-)

love your photos

Have a nice abc-day/ - week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ <abc-w-team)

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful post for R ~ love the rooster photo especially ~ great shots of nature!

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol

Gerald (SK14) said...

too much rain here too

Reader Wil said...

Beautiful photos, one with raindrops on the petals of the flower! Great macro!
Thanks for your visit and comment. Have a great week!
Wil, ABCW Team

EG CameraGirl said...

Hooray for rain...especially when we don't too much. ;)

Photo Cache said...

Rain is perfect for R, and yay for us!

Frankly My Dear

What Karen Sees said...

Lovely fall images. Especially like the rooster!

Roger Owen Green said...

RAIN, beautiful rain


Rajesh said...

Wonderful choices.

Indrani said...

Wow lovely presentation with different 'R's. :)
Happy ABCW!

Maria's Space said...

I love the rain on the leaves. One of my favorite types of photos. That rooster definitely looks to be in charge. If you decide to come visit my R pics I am including a link so it doesn't get lost in the bloggyness of my day. http://www.mariasspace.com/2015/11/abc-oh-rats-unlikely-pet-friends.html

Ingrid said...

I love the rooster, but I hate the rain !

ABC Wednesday

jel said...

cool pictures!
hope you get some rain

Joy said...

Love the effect of the leaf colours in the rain puddle. Glad you are enjoying the rain. We should be getting our first snow here but it has been unusually warm 15c so the Atlantic has been depositing lots of rain.

Shammickite said...

It was rainy here this morning too, and I love the rain, must be my British ancestry.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

LOVE that rooster... and the droplets are gorgeous. beautiful photos and i am giggling. did you notice the paved part in the first photo looks like a woman in a bikini? maybe i am taking to many pain pills

EG CameraGirl said...

Congratulations on the rain! I actually LIKE rain and I'm sure that after a long drought that you do too.

Forgetfulone said...

What a fun post! Glad you got your rain, too.

Hilary said...

We've had some rainy days here too. Not as colourful as yours though.. our autumn is mostly done. Your photos.. lovely as always.