Monday, October 26, 2015


We have arrived at the middle of the alphabet.

Wednesday's letter is  " P ".

For once I have the  PERFECT  PHOTOS for the letter " P ".


The last of the PROLIFIC crop this year.

There was one more special than all the others.

This one is as big as my coffee mug.

My Hubby weighed it.

Can you believe it weighed one POUND and 12 ounces? ...

Almost  2 POUNDS !!!

Now that's what I call a big POMEGRANATE....

Our PEARS were finished quite a while ago.

We bought some at Boa Vista Orchards.

The Orchard was also selling POMEGRANATES  for

$ 2.00 a PIECE.

I wonder what they would have sold our huge one for?

I call this PHOTO

Still Life For  2  " P's ".

Be sure to go to my sidebar to see what others have POSTED 

for the letter " P ".


Hilary said...

I have a pomegranate sitting on the counter waiting for me to get inspired. This might have done it!

Kathleen's Blog said...

wow----i bet it will be delicious!!!!

Kathleen's Blog said...

We can't always get them here, but usually buy some around Christmas. The seeds are quite beautiful for garnish in festive drinks, but I just love the crunch of them....yummy!! I can't imagine growing my own, especially if it weighs in at 1 lb and 12 ozs---that's incredible. I hope you can share some photos of that largest one when you cut it up.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is one whopper of a pomegranate. we had a tree when i was a child but they never got that big. great shots of your P least 3 dollars for that one.

Leslie: said...

Oh my goodness! Fresh pomegranates - how delish!

abcw team

Indrani said...

WoW! That is a huge one.
Happy eating. :)
Happy ABCW!

Anonymous said...

love these photos of onions, pears, peaches, peanuts, peas, peacock, and pinecorns.

Unknown said...

A lovely P indeed , i like them !

Have a nice abc-day / -week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

Mascha said...

Beautiful and delicious...
Greetings from Germany

Photo Cache said...

The photos are so beautifully captured. Well done.


Roger Owen Green said...

Haven't had a pomegranate in years!

Hildred said...

I love pomegranates and so does my daughter, so when we see them in the store we stock up! Good choice for P.

Deepa said...

A very different take

Rajesh said...

Pomegranate fruit is very good for blood.

Reader Wil said...

This kind of fruit is very rare here in my country! It is beautiful, I never saw one like that one before.
Thanks for sharing and for your comment!
Wil, ABCW Team

Anonymous said...

Oh I love pomegranate and it's sweet tangy flavour.

fredamans said...

Poms are my favorite fruit!

Powell River Books said...

When I was a kid i loved to eat a pomegranate, but because of the cost I didn't get one very often. - Margy

Shammickite said...

Pomegranates are only available here leading up to Christmas time. I don`t know where they are shipped from, possibly California. That big one is HUGE!

PhenoMenon, ABC Wednesday said...

Whoa that is a pretty big one indeed......Late visit from ABC wednesday

PhenoMenon, ABC Wednesday