Tuesday, September 22, 2015


We are wending our way through the alphabet.

The latest letter for ABC Wednesday is  " K ".

I decided to continue my previous post and show how dogs

are used in Law Enforcement as the K-9 Core.

These specially trained dogs are used in Search and Rescue,

And also in capturing the criminal.

The dog and his Police Officer trainer are waiting for the helicopter to take them

to where the criminal is hiding.

The dog looks "other worldly" with all his protective gear.

The K-9 dogs have a protective muzzle, sun glasses that fit closely to his head and ear phones.

His harness is like a flack jacket with hooks and extra equipment for the Sheriff and police officer.

All of this gear is for everyone's protection as the team is lifted 100 feet into the air.

The wake of the helicopter is extremely strong and the noise can be distracting

and defening.

The ear covers have a small microphone so the officer can talk to the K-9,

calm him and give orders.

K-9 being hooked with his officer to the cable to be brought up into the helicopter.

K-9 back on the ground and apprehending the suspect.


Even though this is a demonstration it was very realistic.

I would never want to be on the receiving end of the K-9's teeth.

I do feel safer knowing these wonderful men and women of law enforcement are doing their job in my community.

Many thanks to the South Placer County Sheriff Department and to South Placer County Fire.

As always enlarging the photos will show more detail.


Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

KOOL! I've never seen a K-9 up close, so thanks for the marvelous photographic experience. Happy ABC Wednesday!

Hildred said...

Very interesting. It is amazing how well trained these dogs are.

Photo Cache said...

How incredibly intelligent these police dogs are.

Frankly My Dear

Indrani said...

That must be very exciting to see.
Great captures.
Happy ABCW!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

great shots and i have never seen one i protective gear before.. we have several here and they arrest a lot of people... God bless these dogs and their handlers

Beverley Baird said...

Very informative post about the K9 unit. Great shots as well.

Joy said...

I like the dog's sheriff badge. Amazing protective gear. You did well to captue the 'kids' in with it.

Roger Owen Green said...

K9. very klever

Unknown said...

Dogs can indeed be the best help of man.... they are smarter than much people think.
I have two... and i wouldn't miss them for the world.

Have a nice abc-week / day
♫ Mel☺dy ♫

Reader Wil said...

Well this is very interesting! Thank you! There is so much in the relationship between human and animal that we don't know.
Nice weekend!
Wil, ABCW Team

LC said...

Your post gave a more thorough look at four- and two-footed law enforcement personnel working together than I had ever seen before.

Shammickite said...

Great pictures! I am amazed at all the equipment the dog is wearing. I wouldn't want to meet a dog like that if I was a criminal, I'd go straight immediately!!!!

Wanda said...

Sue those are great pictures.... I can see those hanging in the Canine Department. Beautiful.