Monday, September 14, 2015


Here we are at the Letter " J " for ABC Wednesday.

One person's JUNK is another person's Treasure.

Garage Sales, Tag Sales, Yard Sales....they are all about the same thing.

Selling things one doesn't want any more to people that want them.

Some people say they are going JUNKING.

In JUST a few weeks our Church will be holding

"The World's Largest Garage Sale".

Hubby and I will be in charge of the antiques and collectibles.

We'll be selling everything from JEWELRY to furniture.

I wish you could all come and part with a bit of your money.

I know you would definitely enjoy JUNKING at our sale.


Andy said...

How true it is.

Kate said...

There isn't a garage sale that I can pass by. This looks like a very inviting one!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i wish you much luck in the sale. one of the churches here had one 3 weeks ago and made 22,000 dollars. that is amazing... i see one thing in the first photo i would want, the tall glass ginger jar with a lid.

Shammickite said...

I love garage / yard / junk sales, always stop and browse, occasionally buy something, but usually just wander about being nosey!

Unknown said...

I do love them..... i visit them regularly ;-)
Most of the times with a little money (decided before i prevent me from spending more than i cann aford ;-) )

Have a nice abc-week and day
♫ Mel☺dy ♫ (abc-w-team)

Gigi Ann said...

I have bought a lot of JUNK at yard and garage sales. I still have some of the JUNK setting around my house. Lead Crystal Lamps, an old Secretary Desk and a few knick-knacks. Enjoy your week...

kc bob said...

I love garage sales and the like. Simply do not have room for those treasures anymore. ツ

Roger Owen Green said...

I should send to my buddy Eddie!


Wanda said...

Looks great...we'll be there!!!!

Ann said...

I am a junker through and through!!

Photo Cache said...

We did a yard sale for church one year, but didn't continue the next year because it was too time consuming and we didn't get the returns we wanted. Good luck on your yard sale.


Ira said...

Nevr been to one, but the treasure of things I see in the photos are tempting enough!

Ingrid said...

Some have nothing others have too much junk, I am part of them !

ABC Team

Reader Wil said...

We have junk sales too in our church. Even if we don't buy anything it is nice to have a cup of coffee with home made cakes. It is always a nice occasion.
Great idea, have a nice week.
Wil, ABCW Team

Hildred said...

For too long I was partial to junk sales, and now I find I must find a place for all the 'junk' I bought...

Joy said...

One persons junk is another ones collectable! I do like a browse but rarely buy anything but books which will spend some time with me then go on another junk sale journey

Leslie: said...

Lots of fun coming your way. Wish I could be there.

abcw team

Mrs. Me said...

I had to take a second look at the bottom photo. The painting that is propped up on the edge of the table is the same one we have over our mantle right now! I was thinking there was a matching painting somewhere out in the world only to realize that it is one and the same. :) It is my favorite painting and I'm glad no one else thought to buy it.