Saturday, June 13, 2015


My Hubby took these shots while we were in Oregon visiting our son.

Oregon truly is a lush state.

The support columns of the bridge are so picturesque.

I love the way the arches frame the views.

The long afternoon shadows give so much character to the photo.

I think this is my favorite photo from the entire day.

My Hubby did a fantastic job on this one.

Enlarging the photos will show so much more detail.


Ann said...

Those arches on the bridge are so unique, almost like castle openings.

Wanda said...

These look so professional. Great shots of contrast and texture. Hope you have a great weekend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are all fantastic. i love the shadows on the bridge and who knew bridges could have church style windows. those are really cool shots through the arches. beautiful all of them

kc bob said...

Dave is quite the photowannabe. ツ

Merisi said...

A beautiful bridge, captured in all its glory!
And yes, your husband's "portrait" shot is fantastic.

It seems like yesterday, when we both had that darling Sony camera.