Monday, June 08, 2015


I thought I would add my two cents worth to ABC Wednesday.

The letter is " V ".

I have been gone a long time and wanted you to see my VISITS, VIEWS and VACATION.

It was wonderful VISITING our youngest son for a few days.

He lives in Oregon, a good 9 to 10 hour drive from our home.

We spent a little bit of time VIEWING a Children's Discovery Museum.

I fell in love with this bronze statue.

Isn't she a VISION?

I do love this pose .

On the way home we passed Mt. Shasta.

Mt. Shasta is a VOLCANO in Northern California,

Don't forget to enlarge the photos to see all the detail.

Be sure to check out all the other VERSIONS of the letter " V ".


MadSnapper n Beau said...

she truly is a vision as is Mount Shasta... that statue is a real work of ART.. love the way the ribbon falls down her back. glad you got to visit your son, that is a long way..

Gerald (SK14) said...

I do love the sculpture of the girl

Photo Cache said...

I have not seen you around ABC WEdnesday for a while. Nice that you're here again.


Roger Owen Green said...

2 cents? That was at least a nickel! thanks for being back.


Leovi said...

Yes, I choose VACATION !! Beautiful sculpture!

Rajesh said...

Welcome back.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful , beautiful sculptures. Perfect Word. Vacation.

Trubes said...

Wonderful visions,

best wishes,
Di.ABCW team

Joy said...

What a beautiful volcano, happy to see you here after your vacation.

Anonymous said...

Always nice to connect with adult kids (I have a son too). I was not aware that mount Shasta was a volcano!

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

It sounds like you had a great time visiting with your son. I've never been to that part of the country, but it looks beautiful. Blessings!

LC said...

My laptop is mostly fixed; we are back from overseas travel; and I am happy to see these photos from your visit to your son. And already the letter Z! I have been away from blogging for too many weeks!

Wanda said...

Boy am I late in commenting. Well Dave has a carbon they favor.

The little girl statue is absolutely beautiful. See that shot of Mt. Shasta when we visit Jill.

Love and Hugs

Reader Wil said...

Thanksfor your visit! Your post is great.
I am now in Tenerife and have a holiday here . I have to go to the library to use wifi.
I hope the connection is better next week when I will be home.
Wil , ABCW Team.

Reader Wil said...
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Reader Wil said...

Thanksfor your visit! Your post is great.
I am now in Tenerife and have a holiday here . I have to go to the library to use wifi.
I hope the connection is better next week when I will be home.
Wil , ABCW Team.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

I like seeing the snow on Mt. Shasta has snow. With this drought we're having, I thought it would be gone. That is a lovely statue. She reminds me of Alice in Wonderland.
The View from the Top of the Ladder