Tuesday, May 26, 2015


My blogging friend Beverly and I are finally together again.

Of course she has become more than just a Blogging Friend.

We have so much in common.

I have enjoyed just catching up on life.

She will be missed when she returns to her home.

I think it's my turn to visit her next.

I really hope it can be soon.

Don't you think we look like sisters?


MadSnapper n Beau said...

blog sisters are wonderful and a trip to her new home would be great for you

Shammickite said...

you mean you are NOT sisters???? well, you could have fooled me! have fun visiting.

Wanda said...

Yes indeed, you and Bev could be sisters... I just love our blog friends and in some cases are closer than blood relatives. I would love to meet Bev sometime too.

I love it when faces and hearts are just alike.


Unknown said...

This completely made my day!

Beverly said...

Yes, i hope you get here to Virginia too. Loved being with you.